Day in the Life

Nov 12, 1894

Journal Entry

November 12, 1894 ~ Monday

12 I spent the day in the office. The republicans had
a great celebration in Salt Lake City they had a
great Barbecue on the Agricultural grounds. 2 oxen &
2 sheep were rosted & Eaten by the croud and a
great prosession in the city it was a great victory
for the republicans. They met in the Theater in the
Evening & many speeches were made


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Letter from Abinadi Olsen, 12 November 1894
Castle Dale President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother In reply to your coll to fill a Mishon to Sam^o^a will state that I am willing to respond and will therefore edever to be on hand at the appointed time with the help of the Lord. I have inclosed a few lines to Bro Reynolds making some inquirries which you will please hand to him and oblige your humble Servant Abinadi Olsen Castle Dale Henning Olsen Bishop O.K. J. F. S.
Letter from Henry S. Tanner, 12 November 1894
118-10th St. San Francisco, Cal. . First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: I just received draft on Wells Fargo & Co. for $50.00, appropriated, for the benefit of the California Mission, by you. I was very thankful to get it, for it was needed. I'm glad you have notified six more Elders to labor in this Mission. We had more strangers at our meetings last Sunday and ^or^ the Sunday before, than we have had all together since I came to San Francisco. We think much good can be done by our present course, but it will take means. Our cards cost us $3.00 per thousand, and it will take a great many thousands by leaving one at each house. With the exception of two or three cases we have received the utmost courtesy from those we have visited. This is a large city and though the cards come quite cheap, it will take a great number to cover the ground.
Letter from J. G. Ross, 12 November 1894
Hooper, . The First Presidency: Dear Bros I have concluded to go down to Provo to School, and will try and do the very best that I can according to what little knowlidge that I have. Thanking you for the Golden opertunity Yours very sincearly J. G. Ross O.K. J. F. S.


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Nov 12, 1894