Day in the Life

Nov 11, 1894

Journal Entry

November 11, 1894 ~ Sunday

11 I spent the day at the office I met with the Mexican
Board of Land & Colinization, Brethern of the Twelve
we spent most of the day in Meeting

11. Sunday I spent the day at Home reading In the
Evening I read in the Messenger & Advotate vol. 1,
my mission to Tennessee Also to Fox Islands it brought
all my Early works to Mind


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Letter from Jesse Washburn, 11 November 1894
Huntington Willford Woodruff Dear Bro. Your notice received and acceped. I will be in Provo Jan. 7th if everything goes well Your Bro. Jesse Washburn
Letter from Joseph Alonzo Harding, 11 November 1894
Willard City, Utah, First Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints. Salt Lake City Utah, Dr Brethern, Yours of Nov 8th received and contents noted, I am thankful that I am considered worthy of the calling made of me but at the present time it would be almost impossible for me to fill that mission satisfactorily, we have been building a quite large building and haven't it paid for as yet and we don't want to be in debt, my brothers are aloso all away and I would have too throw the responsibility all on my father and he has all he can do to keep things moving along at present. I would very much like to be able to go there for the time specified but under the circumstances could not. I hope you won't think that I am not willing to do my part for I am, but I don't like to try and do something and make a failure at it. I would prefer to wait and get things in proper shape and then all would be well hoping the above will be a satisfactory excuse, I Remain, Your brother in the gospel. Joseph A Harding. LetHis excuse seems final J. F. S.


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Nov 11, 1894