Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1894

Journal Entry

November 16, 1894 ~ Friday

16 Mr G G. Neijnejohn congressman from Nebraska we
went through the Gardo House as the repairs & decoration
were Nearly finished it has been vary costly in
repairing up


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Letter from Charles E. Jensen, 16 November 1894
Riverton President Woodruff Dear Brother On the Second of November I Recived a call for a mission to Samoa Which was acording to the Desier of my hart and by the help of god I will be ready at the appointed time your Brother Iin the gospel Charles E. Jensen OK. J. F. S. I take great pleasure In endorsing Brother Jensen he is a good young Man and a Worthy Elder. Your Brother O P. Miller Bishop
Letter from George N. Stringam, 16 November 1894
Agency at Teton Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: In reply to yours of the 2nd inst. asking if it would suit my convenience to go on a mission to Samoa, sailing from San Francisco January 10th 95 beg to say that since writing your office some time ago saying I could probably arrange my affairs so as to be ready to go in a very few months, the conditions under which I could preform such a duty at present have entirely changed, and I now find it necessary to ask for a farther extension. It is my desire to be allowed to preform the duties of a missionary in the mission field and I therefore trust I am acting wisely and am prompted by the right spirit when I make this request. My principal reason for asking more time is that I have made arrangements to be married next month. I have already asked
Letter from Joseph Harvey Ward, 16 November 1894
To the First Presidency of Church of L.D.S. Dear Brothers Since my last report in 1892 the Circulation of the Beobachter has considerably increased but owing to the financial depression and loss of employment the subscriptions have not been well paid up. still I believe the bretheren have done the best they could. The circulation in Europe has also greatly increased. Last year the account for foreign postage amounted $305.15ยข. This year it will be somewhat greater. By the strictest economy, even denying myself themany of the comforts of life I have kept the current expenses pretty well


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Nov 16, 1894