Day in the Life

Nov 17, 1894

Journal Entry

November 17, 1894 ~ Saturday

17 I came to the office at Noon & Met with the committy
of the Utah Company upon our business


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Letter from Joseph Goodale, 17 November 1894

Prest Wilford Woodruff Wil you pleas inform me if you did or did not cast your Vot on the six of nov. 1894. Joseph Goodale

Letter from Franklin Chandler Parkinson, 17 November 1894

Franklin, Idaho, President Willford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro: Yours Nov. 8th rec'd, and contents noted oweing to absence from house and press of business could not well reply sooner. I am now Managing "The Oneida Merc. Union" also the "North Star Woolen Mills" which Mills are owned by said Merc. Union. It would no- doubt work a hardship on the Store and Mills these close hard times to change the Management with out giving some little time further than to the 5th of Jan. 95 to close up acc'ts, and get business under head way with new Manager, as the business is quite extensive yet I am desirous of complying with your call & working where ever I can do the most good, I have not yet filled such a mission, neither have I had much experience in traveling in the world and I have no doubt

Letter from James Edward Talmage, 17 November 1894

President Willford Woodruff, Pres. General Board of Education, City; Dear Brother: I send herewith a copy of the proposed course of study for the High Schools of Utah Territory. This has been prepared by a committee created by the territorial conven- tion of school officers, called by the authority of the Territorial Commissioner, and it is an attempt to harmonize the work in High Schoool grades, that the very deplorable loss of of time and energy heretofore so common in the case of students passing from one school to another of higher grade, may be in some degree obviated. When, about two years ago, a course of study was proposed by a committee similarly constitu- ted, for the work of the District Schools, the course was adopted quite generally for the Church Schools, thereby giving sutudents of the Church Schools the advantage of similar grading, saving much expenses in the employment of the same text books in ordinary classes. As the accompany- ing High School course is thus far only suggestive in its nature, and the printed copies are to be distributed to teachers and other school officers for criticism and amendments before the course is officially adopted, I respectfully suggest the propriety of copies being sent from the General Board of Education to all teachers and stake officers in the Church School service, with the request that they examine carefully the plan, and report its adaptability or lack of adaptability as the

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 17 November 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: Your kind letter of the 2nd was yesterday received & as allways was delighted to hear from Pa. I wish you had more time to write to me as you letters do me a world of good. Our prospects here look quite bright. Prest Naegle was with us several days & he gave us good instructions & we enjoyed his visit very much indeed. We also had the pleasure of adding one more soul to our little Branch while our Prest. was here. It was a lady who I had the pleasure of preaching the first sermon to. Bro. McEwan baptized her. I am placed here to preside & I thought it would be nicer for me to call on him this being the first one we have had here. The Lord has raised up friends to me here & we have had the privilege of preaching the gospel to some fine folks. There is one family here who we have found since coming here who are so good to us & I feel that they will come to the church. They say when they don't see us for a few day they get lonely to see us. My time is all occupied & I feel we can do a good work here in this great city. Pa I have been without money for some time, what little I had was spent for clothing which was necessary, though I would have made the old ones do but supposing I would soon get more used most all I had. For several weeks have been living from Bro. McEwan's means but his

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

& girl $6 T $10 Cash $3 girl $3 $3 21


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Nov 17, 1894