Day in the Life

Nov 19, 1894

Journal Entry

November 19, 1894 ~ Monday

Nov 19 1894

We held a meeting with the Utah Company And
with J W Wooinder we had a good Deal of company
A folded letter/box I received a Letter from Owen to Mother & Father &
Blanche. Nov 3, I met with Brother Smith of Logan
speaking of our Affairs in Nevada that they were
Prospering Alice also received a letter from Owen


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1030 mentions
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
214 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions


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Letter from Henry Smith Tanner, 19 November 1894

118-10th St., San Francisco, Cal. . First Presidency of Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: Your favor of 15th inst. at hand. Elder John Mc Donald reached here in due time. I wish there were some more of such men to come and labor among their relatives if only for a few months. Yes! I have moved to the address of 118-10th St. While we held services on 29-11th St, a family of people had to live in the rooms below to reduce the rent, and we roomed there ^with Bro. Mortensen^. When we changed our place ofor holding services—we had to move. We have two rooms at the present, on the second floor. A front room which we use for a bed-room and sleepingr sitting room, and a back room which we use for a kitchen. They cost us $15.00 a month. Any time Sister Tanner goes home I can give up the kitchen, but a front room alone will cost $12.00. I have been to a great many places that were for rent and this is the best I could get. Rent seems very high. I have tried to investigate the nature of things here and I think we need women here as well as men. If we could have a few ^worthy^ young men just married or with a small family called and sent here to help us thoroughly

Letter from John Riggs Murdock, 19 November 1894

Beaver Prest W Woodruff & council. Salt Lake City Dear Brethren, Your commucation is to hand, in regard to my going to St Louis Trans-Miss Congress. I did respond through Mr Clulmer I called upon both Co and City authorities, they did not feel to furnish the means or credentals, hence, would prevent my going, I am always willing to do any thing I can, of course both Co and City authorities are Democratic, the say they wont send any one. with kind love to you all, Your brother truly, John R Murdock.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 19 November 1894

[sideways text] Owen to Fathr No. 29. Private [end of sideways text] Freiberger Platz #20. IV Dresden-A. Saxony. Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: For some time I have felt that I wanted to write you a letter, bearing on some matters of importance which you have mentioned in a number of your letters to me. To com- mence with you say you are glad that I am not at home for one reason and that is because of Politics. I think as you do Pa that it is a shame for our people to let these matters of this kind stir them up to such an extent. A great many people Pa who are good Latter day Saints cannot understan[d] how it is that the Apostles take part in Politics. Not that these matters worry me in the least for I am not a member of either of them, I thank the Lord to say & think that I shall take the stand of a nonpartisian No one can deny but that both parties are wrong. They both have something good & more bad. Not that I wish to critisize any of our apostles but politics and religion don't go well together. After reading the pieces published by Apostel's John Henry Smith and Moses Thatcher during last years campaign, the latter in answer to the former, I for myself cannot immagine how these two men or any other

Letter from Thomas Francis Roueche Sr., 19 November 1894

Pres. Wilford Woodruff and Council Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brethren Your communication of the 15th inst. in regard to the Trans Mississippi Congress come to hand in due time. After peruseing it carefully, I fully aggree with you in believing it to be an important assemblage. I would like very much to go as a Delegate. But my circumstances are such that I almost think that it is imprudent for me to do so. As I never have refused to do anything that I have been specially rejuested to do heretofore. I will leave this entirely with you and if you deem it wise for me to go, go it will be. I am afraid also that I will be a very poor hand at the business of representing our western wants either in commtte or in the Congress. I would a little rather not go than to go Your Brother and well wisher in the Gospel Thos F. Roueche


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Nov 19, 1894