Day in the Life

Nov 24, 1894

Journal Entry

November 24, 1894 ~ Saturday

24 I spent the day at home choring & Reading

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Letter from Horace Gibson Whitney, 24 November 1894
President Wilford Woodruff City. Dear brother, I have deferred until the present time answering your esteemed favor of the 8th inst. in which you notify me that my name has been suggested for a mission to California and ask what my feelings are in regard to the call—owing to the fact that I desired, if possible, to so arrange my affairs that I could accept the call in acknowledging receipt of the notification: for of my willingness to go, if it were a question of willingness alone, I believe you do not need to be assured The difficulties which I have met with in trying to bring my
Letter from Henry B. Williams, 24 September 1894
President Wilford Woodruff; Salt Lake City Dear Brother; Yours of the 19th inst. came to hand Saturday evening. also the $25.00 which was contributed by the First Quorum of Seventies to help defray the expenses of Prest. Tanner's sickness. We still had money yet, But this will come in very handy. The saints here are very poor, and most of them have all that they can do to obtain food and clothing for themselves and children.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
girl $3, T $10, cash $2 girl $3 18


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Nov 24, 1894