Day in the Life

Nov 30, 1894

Journal Entry

November 30, 1894 ~ Friday

30. I spent the day in the office our secretary George
had to go home with a severe fellen on one
of his fingers.


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Letter from Samuel Stephen Jones to the First Presidency, 30 November 1894
PROVO CITY, UTAH, To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brethren I wish to inform you that suit has been brought against me in connexion with Presdt A. O. Smoot and W. H. Dusenberry for $3682 86/100 as endorsers on a note given in favor of George. C. Whitmore by the Brigham Young Academy It is reported here that at the time of the $450,000 being paid over to the Church. That it was ex pressly understood that some $40,000 of said funds was to be appropriated to the B. Y. Academy I wish to state that in justice to myself I cannot possibly meet this indebtedness, as I signd with the understanding that I should
Letter from E. J. Goodspeed, 30 November 1894
Salt Lake City To President Wilford Woodruff Dear Christian Sir If God is in this correspondence then I am not takeing His name in vain & good must come out of it after much thought & deliberation I have dared to write you kind chri- stian Sir if You were present & asked me the reason why I could hardly tell you God knows may He will tell you but a few weeks ago a neighbour asked me to go to conference with him being out of employment I accepted the invitation & such fine every day easy to be understood kind & christian talk full of motherly, fatherly, Godly & Christly love & advise comeing in turn from each speaker in spite of myself again & again was I affected to tears & many times then & since have I asked myself the question is this place & are these people my place & people I have tried hard to thrust back & bury this inward prompting thought (write to President Woodruff) somtimes thinking it was foolish & again thinking it was my duty but this my heart language allthough we never have or ever may be personally aquainted I feel as though your God & your people are or should be my God & my people & if I am offending you or doing wrong in writeing you pardon me consign this letter to the flames & please forget all rememberance of it but I pray our God if it pleases Him you will do His will with it
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
cash for cow $25 cash $2 27


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Nov 30, 1894