Day in the Life

Dec 5, 1894

Journal Entry

December 05, 1894 ~ Wednesday

5 I met with Broth Smith from Logan this Morning
He wanted to Raise $5000 on our western affairs
I met with Brother Thomas L. Cox from New
who gave us an Account of his Mission
in that Land we had a snow storm on the Mountain


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Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 5 December 1894

Provo, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: At the Stake Conference of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associations of this Stake, held last Sunday in Provo, and whcich was attended by about four hundred of our students, Apostle Heber J. Grant took ocassion to criticise severely the present management of the Academy comparing it adversely with the times when Brother Maeser was Principal. I felel that Brother Grant, even though he is right, has done me and the Faculty an injustice and the school an injury, in that he has published our supposed faults or mistakes to our students and the public before speaking to us about them. We are ready at all times to receive counsel and advice and corrections from the authorities over us, and had Brother Grant come to us or sent for us to come to him, his advice and counsel would have been gladly received, but when he, without saying a word to us publishes before the students and the people our mistakes, or our supposed mistakes, I for one feel to object. I do not believe it is right neither do I like it, and I have so informed him. I should be very pleased, if you see fit to have this matter thoroughly investigated, and if the present members of the faculty are not able to do justice to their work position, and if they have not the confidence of the Presidency and the Twelve, they will be ready at any time to resign their positions and allow others to take their places. Speaking for myself I will say, that I have in my weak way endeavored to do what I thought was my duty to the school and to the youth of Zion. I have taken, and am ready to take, counsel and advice and correc- tions from those in authority, but I am not ready to be publicly critticised or corrected from the stand before my pupils without due investigation. I desire to say that if the Presidency and the Twelve have not confidence in my ability or my integrity, and cannot give me their full support (for with the best of support the task of training the youth now-a-days is hard enough) I shall be ready at any time to withdraw from my psosition in favor of some

Letter from John Ross Smith, 5 December 1894

Salt Lake City, Utah, To President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your letter of Nov 8th came to hand in due time and can say that I was very much surprised to see by it that I had been called to fill a Mission to California knowing my unfittness for such a calling, but after considering it for nearly a Month, I have concluded with the help of the Lord, to meet your request. there is many circumstances that I might offer as an excuse not to go, but after all I would not be satisfied, therefor I will try and be ready by the date you name Jan. 5th [18]95. if you have any instructions to give I will be pleased to here from you again. I remain Your Brother in the Gospel John R. Smith Elder Smith is worthy to go Forth and Preach this Gospel. we recommend Him as such. A G. Driggs, Bishop O.K. To be absent one year J. F. S.

Letter from Leonora Hatch Savage, 5 December 1894

Woodruff Ariz Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear. Brother I am desirous to know wheather wheather Sis. Hannah Sorensons teachings are approved of by you or not. So I take this liberty of writing to you trusting it will not weary you to much for I know you are bothered a great deal in answer ing questions. Sis. Sorensons Ideas are in regards to husband and wife that they should not indulge in the Sectual act more than 1 once a month and only then when offspring is desired. And she thinks a healthy mother had ought to des- ire offspring as often as every 18 months

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

4 ton coal 2.25 $9. 1/2 ton A coal $5 134


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Dec 5, 1894