Day in the Life

Dec 7, 1894

Journal Entry

December 07, 1894 ~ Friday

7. We had a hard snow storm the first of the season
I spent the day in the office


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Letter from C.W. Fischer, 7 December 1894
Salt Lake City . To President Wilford Woodruff Esq. Dear Sir I take the liberty to inform your Honnor, of my inten tion, to form a council, of the Or der of Chosen Frinds here in Salt Lake City, and as i see, it will be to the benefit of the People of this city, and a great help to the widows and orphans, as well, as to the members, while the are, a life, I would like to ask for your support, to make this a suc cessful undertaking, dear Sir this is not a money making concern, but is realy a Christian help, betwen the People themselfs, and as my mot to is, Care for those, who cannot care for themselfs, i find it my duty, to seek for everyone, who likes to be under
Letter from Jonathan Nelson, 7 December 1894
Brigham City First Presidency Salt Lake City Dear brethern: In answer to your letter Calling upon me to attend the Provo academy as a Sunday School Normal Student I except and shall try to bee in provo on that Date Jan 7th [18]95 if all is well and God gives me strength although I am some What Crippeled in regard to raising the money but the Lord will open the way I hope. My Wife will be Confined during the turm but will leve her in the hand of the Lord. Have never ben called to preform any Labor yet, but what I was have always bin able to preform it and I hope I shall this. Your bro in the gospel Jonathan Nelson very good. J. F. S.


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Dec 7, 1894