Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 15 December 1894
Dearest Father and Mother
Ma's letter which
came alone and Pa's of Nov. 27th & 28th were
received all "ok". Was real glad to hear
from you once more and thankful that
your healt[h] was good. To commence with
let me say that the gun loaned one
of the cCannon boys was returned and if
Peter will overhaul his memory he will
find that when I left home it stood
in the barn or possibly in his room,
in the old house. If the gun is not there
it has been stolen and it seems funny to
me that it has not been thought of before.
Let me say that the letter from Van
containing the draft for 68.00/100 Mks. was received.
I understand Ma sent me the most of it
for a Christmas present; it was a fine present;
and came at a good time but at the
same time I fear Ma robbed herself to do it
and if this is the case I am truely sorry
she sent it; for I will get through all right
and have not the least fear. I fear Ma
worries too much about me and I know she
and both of you have as good hearts as
Parents were ever blessed with. Your kind
feeling and Parental love shall never be
forgotten and with God's help I will try in
my weak way to show you that I appreciate
your goodness and warm love. The times at
home I know are hard, and money hard to
get; so while I am on my mission I don't
want Ma to trouble about me, for if it is
necessary I can get along without any money and