Day in the Life

Dec 14, 1894

Journal Entry

December 14, 1894 ~ Friday

14 got telegram fron H. B. Clawson Met with Gov McConnell
from Idaho Many poor People out of work


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Letter to Lenora Hatch Savage, 14 December 1894

P. O. Box B. Salt Lake City, Utah. . 189 Mrs. Leonora Hatch Savage, Woodruff, Arizona. Dear Sister: I was pleased to learn from your letter of 5th inst. of your welfare and prosperity, and how greatly the Lord had blessed you in your family. I trust that His mercies will continue with you with increasing manifestations of His love and watchcare toward you, His handmaid. Regarding the questions that you ask, I will say the teach- ings of the Church have ever been strongly in favor of moderation in all things. Temperance, soberness and chastity are esteemed among its cardinal virtues. This moderation should characterize the intercourse of husbands and wives as well as the other actions of our lives. Many evils have undoubtedly been wrought in the world by excesses of every kind, certainly not excepting those that deal with the fountains of life; and we all, as members of Christ's Church, should endeavor to approach the perfect law. as nearly as possible, striving to overcome the weaknesses of our natures by the aid of that Divine Spirit which is promised to all the children of obedience. These remarks will give you my general ideas with regard to the subjects on which Sister Sorenseon treats. I do not wish to be too rigid in asserting the law, knowing the weaknesses of humanity. May the Lord lead you in the way of truth is the prayer of Your Brother, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from George Alma Varney, 14 December 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Respected Brother I received a notice asking me if I was willing to acc- ept a mission to the Southern States, to Start on the 13th day of next April, The Lord Being willing I will try to be on hand at the time appointed Very Resp' George A. Varney W D Robinson Bishop Very good. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

{shorthand} T $5 (21) Cash $10, T $30 Cash $10 55 20 2006 20 Received from Church not in Acct 2774 50 Received $234.30 from Church 477880 70 234 30 Not in the Above Acct 5015 00 Receivd from Valley House $635 Deividend Z C M I $61.20 from Z C M I $281.45 $342.65 This in the abov Accct

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3 (22) girl $3 (24) T $15 21


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Dec 14, 1894