Day in the Life

Dec 24, 1894

Journal Entry

December 24, 1894 ~ Monday

24 We held a Meeting with the Utah Company and with
Tribune Reported

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Letter from John Staheli, 24 December 1894

Santa Clara. . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: as I have been rquested to report at any time that I would be ready and able to take A mission to Europe, as my health is better, I thaught I would inform you that I will be ready to start next april, with Elder John Graf. your Brother, John Staheli Apl 13 [upside-down text] John Staheli John Graf Dec. 24 [18]94 [end of upside-down text]

Letter from N. N. Thomas, 24 December 1894

Ogden, President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City: Beloved Prest Woodruff: With this evening's Express I forward you a few small photos and a large one, made from negatives that I made of you some months ago, and trust that they will reach you safely tomorrow. Wishing you and your family a very pleasant Christmas, I remain Your brother in the Gospel N N. Thomas.

Letter from Abel Erickson, 24 December 1894

Albion Brother Woodruff Your letter come to hand, and will say in answer to it that I will go on my mission if I can get enough money to go with as money is scarse but if the Lord will bless me with means I will go with the greatest of plesure. For I always feel like doing any things that is requiered of me in

Letter from Horton David Haight, 24 December 1894

Oakley, Cassia Co., Idaho, President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear brother as you are aware by former letters the High Council and stake presidency allows the stake clerk of this stake $1500 per month for his services, which amounts to $18900 per year, if you deem it proper and right. I would you be so kind as to have a General tithing office order sent to cover said amount and oblige. Your brother in the Gospel, H. D. Haight


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Dec 24, 1894