Day in the Life

Dec 26, 1894

Journal Entry

December 26, 1894 ~ Wednesday

26 I met with the Bank Meeting Board we declaired
a Dividend of 6 per cent. My Daughter Clara is sick


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Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
418 mentions

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Letter from Dudley Ward Stone II, 26 December 1894
Ogden President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In January of 1893 I received a call to start to Great Britain on the 29th of April. But afterwards received permition to take whatever time was needed to arrainge my affairs. During the past year my concience has ben telling me that I should have gone when called as my condition does not seeme to improve In speaking to Apostle Richards upon the subject he advised me to get
Letter from John Croshaw, 26 December 1894
Oxford . Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 24th is just received calling me on a mission to the southern states, and in answer will say, that the Lord being willing, and nothing prevents, I will do my best to be on hand at the time appointed. Your Brother in the Gospel John Croshaw N. R. Lewis. Bp O.K. J. F. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
E $10 girl $3.55 Ticket $10 13 55


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Dec 26, 1894