Day in the Life

Dec 28, 1894

Journal Entry

December 28, 1894 ~ Friday

Dec 28, 1894

I held a Meeting with the Utah Company in the forenoo
At 3 oclock I Attended the Dedication of the Joint City &
County Building I offered the Dedicatory Prayer
we had an interesting day. The Building cost near

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Letter from Carl J. Renstrom, 28 December 1894
Lynne, Weber Co., President Wilford Woodruff: Dear bro: Yours of the 17th inst. is received, informing me that my name has been accepted as a missionary to Scandinavia. I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father that I am counted worthy to carry the Message of Salvation to the nations of the earth; and my joy will be great if only I can be a humble instrument in the hands of the Lord in bringing some to the knowledge of and obedi- ence to the fullness of the Gospel as revealed through the Prophet Joseph Smith. To this end I will devote my time, the limited means I posess, and the ability God shall give me. I therefore accept with ^pleasure^ and as a blessing the call to go on this mission; and unless prevented by some unforeseen event, I will be at the Historian's Office, S. L. City, on Feb. 8th, [18]95 and ready to start to my field of labor on the following day. Your bro. in the Gospel, Carl. J. Renstrom P.S. Please inform me on what Ry. the missionaries will travel from here Geo. Smuin B. P Lynne Ward O.K. GR 2458, ad, Grant. av.
Letter from Carl J. Renstrom, 28 December 1894
Letter from William Alonzo Hyde, 28 December 1894
Downey, Idaho Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Bro, I was shown yesterday a letter from yourself to Bro W. A Dewey of this place calling him to fill a mission to the Southern States. This (the Cambridge) ward has lately been reorganized and Bro Dewey was selected by myself as first Counselor in the Bishopric, and I believe that had it been known that he was to be selected his name would not have been handed in for a missionary. Cambridge ward has for a long time been in poor condition owing to the sickness &and subsequent death of Bp Coffin, and I hadve felt that there is much room for earnest work here in getting the ward again into good running order. We are very short of suitable material and while Bro Dewey I believe to be admirably adapted to his present position I know of no other in the ward whom I could take to fill his place. There are two branches in the ward which requires my presence each alternate Sunday—hence the necessity of


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Dec 28, 1894