Day in the Life

Dec 29, 1894

Journal Entry

December 29, 1894 ~ Saturday

29. I spent the day at home and attended to Business
of affairs at home

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Letter from John H. Carlson, 29 December 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Saldt Lake City Dear Brother, Your letter of 24th inst in informing me that I have been selected for a mission to the southern states has been received. I feel proud of the honor and trust I duly appreciate the same, and while I do not wish to shirk any duty or obligation I shall have to ask to be excused from taking a mission at present, I onley enbraced the Gospel about three mouths ago having faith in its Principles so far as I am acquanted with them. I have no relatives in the Church and none to help me financially. I am under a contract on a leased Farm for five yeares that I am obligated to fill. I have not been in the Church long enough to fit and qualify my- self to be able to express to others the principles of our Faith, although I am

Letter from Joseph Smith Porter, 29 December 1894

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Brother About a year ago I was called to fill a mission to the Southern States. The 28th of April was the time appointed for my departure; But on account of being in debt I obtain- ed an extension of time untill the 1st of Oct. But when that time ar- rived I found my self unabelled to free my self from the debt. And I

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 29 December 1894

Provo, . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, After carefully considering the repres- endtations made by Dr. Talmage n the one hand, and by the Principals of our three Church Colleges on the other, I have come to the conclusion that the General Board of Education has to adopt a conservative medium bet= ween the two extremes. Der. Talmage insists upon certain re- citations upon all church school for which demand he has no foundations The "Official Announcement" of Aug. 18, last refers only to the suspsension of the Church University and to the transfer of its intended work to the University of Utah, and making provisious for stu- dents of our faith to desire theological instructious in the L. D. S. College. The people were exhorted also to support

Letter from Oliver H. Shumway, 29 December 1894

Dec 29th 1894 Pres Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 24th instant requesting me to take a mission to the southern states and to ^be^ in salt Lake City January 25th 1895 is at hand in reply I will say that I accept the call and will try and be on hand if successful in obtaining the nescessary means for the mission your Brother in the gosple Oliver. Shumway L. L. Hatch Bp. All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 29 December 1894

Logan, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff & Councellors Dear Brethern I inclose you Apostle Thatcher answer to my communication to Him about the Parris remarks made by Him in a sunday meeting Oct. 26th 1894 about one High in authority an apostle over in Cache Valley &c. you will see in His answer to me, my communication to Him (my letter in full quoted back to me) so you can see what I wrote to Him at that time, I have since receiveing His letter sent over to Parris to find out if possable if He was miss quoted, as He claimes He was, and I Inclose to you the evidence of High Councellors Bishop & one of the stake Presidency &c I feel that Bro Thatcher has injured me or one of the Apostles and I believe His refers directly to me, and if I deserve such Treatment in Bear Lake Valley and in Cache Valley, I certainley ought to be made sencible of it my self. I will leave the matter in your Hands to investigate or drop it as you deem wisdom and as the [spirid] of the Lord may direct you. My second communication to Bro Thatcher I will also inclose to you, so you can see all I have written to Him about it, and Pray the Lord to guide you in all your deliberations by His Devine influence and Power. Respectfully yours M. W. Merrill

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 29 December 1894

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father:— Have recd. two letters from you since I last wrote you. Was glad to hear you had a visit from the Germans but think I met Mr. Boss in Holland instead of Frankfurt. You asked me how many members we have here. Twelve on our books but out of this number about half are alive and a small number try to take an interest and help the Elders out. Think the situation has improved some since we have been here and we hope to be able to set the Branche in a better condition. Frankfurt is one of our best Branches now numbering about twenty-five. Regarding the matter you wrote me about, if you have any wish you would like me to carry out I will take pleasure in fulfilling your desires. But unless this is the case I shall let it rest until I am again at home. Of course it is my desire to do my duty and act honorably with everybody. Will write you more in a short time and hope you will excuse this short letter. Jake and Will both send best love to you all and I pray the Lord to help you out of all difficulties and keep you well and happy. Your loving son A. Owen Woodruff [sideways text] Owen to Father Dec 29 [18]94 No 35. 55 [end of sideways text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Dec 29, 1894