Day in the Life

Jan 7, 1895

Journal Entry

January 07, 1895 ~ Monday

7. I Met with Brother ^Orson^ Smith in the Morning gave me A
History of the work on our Mine in Nevada in putting
up the Stamp Mill thought it would be running soon
After the first of Feb He brought 2 gold Bricks from
a mine in the same line of ours, Hwith ownly one stamp
that produced some $500 dollars a Day with 2 stamps
our Mill was 10 stamps He was satisfied when the Mill
got to Running it would Help us to Pay our Debts
A hand pointing to the right I received a Letter from Asahel


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Smith, Orson
205 mentions


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Letter from Wilmer W. Miller, 7 January 1895

Philadelphia, . President Wilford Woodruff; Of Mormon Church of Latter Day Saints; Salt Lake City, Utah; My Esteemed Sir: Am preparing a series of articles about the Mormons: if you wish to forward me at your earliest convenience, any historical matter or data, that will tend to make my writings more accurate, you may do so. Any such that you wish to send to me as a loan only I shl shall consider Washington correspondent of of his paper recently shall consider a sacred trust and will return promptly. Yours with great regard, Wilmer W. Miller Care of THE PHILADELPHIA RECORD. 1895 Jan. 12. Sent him. Bancrofts History Wonderlands of Wild West World's Fair History Economic Aspects of Mormon Questions Utah and her people Temple Dedication Suc. in Presidency of the Church Mountain Meadow Tracts &c &c

Letter from Harvey Harris Cluff, 7 January 1895

Provo City. . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother, In answer to the call made upon me, in respect to taking a mission to the Southern States, will say. That I accept, and with the aid of my Father in Heaven, will be ready on the day appointed to start. Very Respectfully, Harvey Cluff. Alexander Gillespie Bishop. All right J. F. S.

Letter from James Needham Lambert, 7 January 1895

Salt Lake City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours of the 5th inst. addressed to James H Lambert (but which I am told was intended for me) was duly received. In reply, I feel to say if my services as a missionary are required I have no objection to offer, but will to the best I can to fill the mission without any dis- credit to myself or the cause I represent Your Brother James Needham Lambert Wm Thorn Bp 7th Ward. Very good. J. F. S.

Letter from John Alexander Fortie, 7 January 1895

Provo City . Pres. Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. I recieved your call of the third inst, to take a mission to the Southern States, if I am counted worthy to be an instrument in proclaiming the principles of the ever lasting Gospel to that portion of the world I will go and with the help of the Lord will proform my mission the best of my ability. I was making preperations for attending the B. Y. A. at Provo and recieved my call the night previous to starting; but be that as it may I do not think it could have come in a better time. I think

Letter from John Alma Wootton, 7 January 1895

Midway, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; Your letter appointing me to a mission in the Southern States came to hand. If no unseen obstacles intervene, I will be on hand February 23rd, 1895. Your humble servant John A. Wootton Midway, Wasatch Co. John Watkins Bishop very good J. F. S

Letter from Joseph Antonius Marinus Jacobsen, 7 January 1895

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I rec eived your appointment to a foreign missiion and wil be ready to start at the appointed time and with the aid of the Spirit of God, I trust to be able to perform the calling successfully and hope to return with the fulness of his Spirit, which enlightens all men. I remain, your Brother in the Everlasting Gospel, Jos. A. M. Jacobsen Wm. Thorn Bp very good J. F. S.

Letter from Marion Clinger, 7 January 1895

Provo City, To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints, Dear Bros, In answer to your inquiry of Dec 29th, I would say that I am pleased to learn that I am among those who asre able to preform the work of preaching the Gospel of Christ. At present it seems almost imposible to raise the money, as Pa is in debt and would be obliged to borrow the money. But this should be no reasonable or justifyable excuse I would prefere it much better if I could be allowed to finish this semester of school, as it is my 3rd year and I could better prepare my self. But if it is your desire that I should go this or next month I would do so. I would be pleased to hear from you

Letter from Ola Transtrum Jr., 7 January 1895

St Charles Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your favor of the 28th asking me to take a mission to the Northern States. Iff all is well I will be on hand at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel Ola. Transtrum Jr J. A. Hunt Bp Very good. J. F. S.

Letter from Robert Alfred Fenton, 7 January 1895

Salt Lake City Wiford Woodruff Your letter of the 4th is at hand, and with the Lords help I will be ready to ship from Vancouver Feb 15, 1895 Your Brother in the Gospel Robert A. Fenton Brother Fenton is a good young man J C Watson Bishop 6th ward All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Thomas A. Callester, 7 January 1895

Salt Lake City, President Woodruff: Dear Brother: Having received a call to fill a mission to Australasia to leave Vancouver, Feb. 16th 1895. I felel that it is proper for me to submit to you a statement of my financial condition: I have recently purchased land and built a house for a home, for which I now owe to the Building Society $60000 secured by a Trust Deed on the property and on which debt I have to pay interest and dues to the amount of $1050 per month. I also owe to Thos. Quayle, of Oakland, Cal. $47200 on a promissory note, bearing interest at 9%. My only income is what I receive from my wages as a printer, and I have no means to pay the debts named, nor have I any money on hand. I am 26 years of age and have a family of wife, and two children: one 2 years, and the other 3 months old. Neither I or my wife have any relatives who are in a position to give us financial aid. I thought it only proper that I should render this statement of my affairs, that you should have an understanding of the same. Your brother in the Gospel, Thomas A. Callister Let him be excused, until he is free to go, I hope he may work to that end and succeed sooner than he foresees. J. F. S.


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Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Jan 7, 1895