Day in the Life

Mar 1, 1895

Journal Entry

March 01, 1895 ~ Friday

March 1, 1895

This is my Birth Day Also my wife
Emmas I am 88 years of Age, & Emma is
57 years of Age. I am in the Enjoyment of Good
Health & sound Mind for which I thank God
my Heavenly Father.

A heart Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 88 years
This Day

A heart Emma Woodruff
B[orn] March 1, 1838
Aged 57 years
Old This Day

We held a Birth Day Party in the Temple with
some 250 workers in the Temple & others it
included the Presidency of the Church, The Twelve
Apostles, seventies And the Leading Men of the [blank]
with many of the Aged Men & women Also the
Leading Bishops. This is the Last Meeting President
Abraham Owen Smoot Ever Attended. He was quite
poorly returned home went to bed & died on the 6
of March I have been a member in the Church up to
his date 601 years and 2 Months


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Smoot, Abraham Owen
17 Feb 1815 - 6 Mar 1895
584 mentions
1835 Southern Convert
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1031 mentions


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Letter from Martin R. McFarland, 1 March 1895

West Weber. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received a letter from Bro. Joshua R. Clark Pres of N. S. Mission, and he informed me that Bro. Alfred Broderick was called to West Viginia he is to start on 16th Bro. Clark says that I am to go to the same place and he says if I would notify you that you would permit me to me to wait and go with them Bro. Broderick. please let me know what to do about it your Brother in the Gospel Martin R. McFarland

Letter from Martin R. McFarland, 1 March 1895

Community - Blank invitation to Wilford Woodruff's Birthday Celebration, 1 March 1895

Emma S. Woodruff Born March 1, 1838: Fifty-Seventh Anniversary of her Birth, March 1, 1895. Birthday Anniversary OF Wilford Woodruff and Emma S. Woodruff. You are cordially invited to attend A Social Gathering to celebrate the Anniversary of our Birthday, to be held in the Annex of the Salt Lake Temple, Friday, March 1, 1895, at 1:30 p.m.

Telegram to John Daniel Thompson McAllister, 1 March 1895

Received at Manti at 1114 A.m. . Dated, Presidents Office Salt Lake March 1st. To John D. T. McAllister and Temple Workers. I have just received your con- gratulations upon my eighty eighth birthday which I highly appreciate. I am in the enjoy ment of good health and sound mind for which I thank God, and I pray God to bless you all. Your Brother—Wilford Woodruff. LINES TO ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO. [sideways text] BE SURE YOU ANSWER BY THIS LINE. SEE OFFICE ADDRESS ON THIS MESSAGE. [end of sideways text]

Letter from George Ashdown, March 1895

Letter from Wallace Cragun, 1 March 1895

Smithfield, Utah, . Pres Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother:—Yours of the 13th. ult. re ceived. I am pleased to know that I am con- sidered worthy of being called to go on a mission to preach the gospel to the nations of the earth. I am only nineteen years of age but I am willing, by the blessings of the Lord to go and fulfil the mission to the best of my ability. Now that I am called, my par- ents are desirous for me to go and they will use every effort to furnish me with the necessary means to start at the time mentioned in your letter. (June 29, 1895). Your Brother in the Gospel. W. H. Cragan Bro. Wallace Cragan is a good manyoung Man and will make a good Missionary. he feels real well about his appointment, so does all the family. Your Brother in the Gospel Geo L. Farrell, Bp. good. J F S

Letter from Oliver C. Hoskins, 26 June 1895

Washington, D. C., Agents and School Superintendents. Sirs: It has been decided to hold three summer institutes for Indian school employees during the months of July and August of this year, at Sioux City, Iowa, at Tacoma, Wash., and at El Reno, Okla., provided satisfactory arrangements can be made at these places for the transporation and entertainment of visitors. The dates for holding these institutes will be as follows: Sioux City, July 1 to 6, inclusive; Tacoma, July 21 to 27; El Reno, August 5 to 10. You are hereby kindly requested to send me, at your earliest con- venience, the names and addresses of persons of experience in Indian work who can, in your judgment, present acceptable and profitable papers, together with the topics on which these persons could be invited to speak. It is not essential that these persons should be in the school service, but it is desirable that they should possess the necessary skill for a fruitful presentation of their subjects. The Department desires to have at each Institute a few thoroughly practical subjects well discussed, and also to avoid a multiplicity of papers on trite topics. In range these subjects should embrace not only the school work proper, but the industrial work, the matron's department, the outing system, and every other means by which the Indian schools can be helped in their efforts to assimilate the Indian with American civilization, and to wean him from Government support and lift him into complete self-reliance. You will do the cause of Indian education lasting service by inter- esting yourself personally in the success of these institutes by efforts to secure the attendance of Indian school employees, educated Indians, and persons generally interested in Indian education, and by sending to me promptly whatever suggestions you desire to make concerning the work to be done at these institutes. Please send also the names of papers and other periodicals published in your vicinity, as well as the names of prominent men and women in your vicinity whose co-operation in these enterprises is desired. Very respectfully, W. N. HAILMAN, Superintendent of Indian Schools. Approved: D. M. Browning, Commissioner. {shorthand}

Community - Lines Composed to President Wilford Woodruff on His Eighty-Eighth Birthday by Eliza P. Rhees, 1 March 1895

LINES COMPOSED TO PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF ON HIS EIGHTY-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. We hail thee our Prophet, Revelator, and Seer, We love thee, we bless thee thy name we revere, Among the most noble that's lived upon earth, We know thou art numbered for thy wisdom and worth. 'Tis eighty-eight years since the day of your birth, When, your spirit left Father and came to this earth, To battle with error, darkness, and sin, A crown of life, and victory to win. In the days of your youth on missions you've been. And called on mankind to repent of their sins, To receive the glad message our Father has sent, If in faith they receive it and truly repent— Remission of sins to them would be given, And prepare them if faithful for the kingdom of heaven, When afflicted with sickness, privation and loss, You was called by God's servants to take up your cross, And go to the nations the glad message to preach A plan of salvation, the gospel of peace. And while on that mission how great were you blessed, Your labors were crowned with the greatest suc- cess. And many, yes many believed on your words And the honest in heart were received of the Lord, On the isles of the sea you've raised also your voice And caused many honest in heart to rejoice! In the year thirty-nine with a brave little band You went to Far West to fulfill a command, Which through revelation to them had been given The corner stone of a temple must be laid to high heaven Though wicked men raged and endeavored to thwart The plans of Jehovah and bring them to naught. Filled with faith in their God they nobly marched on, Still praying and trusting till the great work was done. And the South-East corner of that temple was laid, With none to molest them or make them afraid, And on the same day, and upon the same ground Our dear Brother Woodruff with honor was crowned, Was ordained an apostle of Jesus our Lord, The greatest of honor which on man is conferred. And now at the head of this people he stands, The mouth piece of God, and revelator to man. Filled with honor, with love, and integrity grand, He's the favored of God, and the honored of man. ELIZA P. RHEES.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Mar 1, 1895