Day in the Life

Jan 27, 1895

Journal Entry

January 27, 1895 ~ Sunday

27 Sunday I spent the day at home reading & writing

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Letter from John Walker Jr., 27 January 1895
Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your letter of Jan 23rd notifying me of a call as a missionary has been received, and accepted, and if possible I will be ready to leave here about the 10th of March. I have not yet enough money to take me to my distination. I am doing all I can to get it by selling property at a sacrifice and if I cannot have it by that time I will promise to be ready by the 1st of April anyhow. I came from Australasia fifteen years ago, and have relatives living there now. My Education is very limited I can read and write a little, but through the kindness of a friend I am getting this letter wrote, what amount of money will I need to pay my fare, and other necessary expenses. Please answer as soon as possible Your Brother in the Gospel John Walker Peter Johnson, Bp. Rather than sell his property at a sacrifice, I should say let him have till Apr or longer if need be to get ready J. F. S.
Letter from Samuel Miles Jr., 27 January 1895
St. George, Utah, Pres Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Yours of the 24 inst Recieved and thourily read, in reply I will Say, that i feel thankfull and Highly Honored in being thought worthy to Carry the Glad tidings of the Gospel to the Blood of Israel, while I very much feel my weakness, and my many Imperfections, still with the Help of the Lord, and the faith and Prayers of my Bretheren, I feel that I shall be able to fulfill this mission and to that end I shall labor, I have no excuse to make so you can count me one that will be there on the 10th of May Next as you sujgest, to go on a mission to the Southern States, the Lord being my helper, ever Praying for the welfare of Zion and the Spread of Truth. I remain Yours Respectfully, Saml Miles Jr. Thomas P Cottam Bishop 4th St George Ward good. J. F. S.
Letter from Addison Bentley Jones, 27 January 1895
SALT LAKE CITY. . Rev. Wilford Wuoodruff, President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reverentd Sir; We beg to inform you that we have received from an Eastern bank a Twenty Dollar $20.00) note of the Kirktland ^Ohio.^ Safety Society Bank" dated Feby 20th, 1837, payabole to O. P. Good or bearer, and Signed by "S. Rigeidon, President" and "-.-. Smith Jr., Cashier" This note is pronounced genuine by one Mr. W. E. Skinner of Boston, and the party sending it to us expresses a desire to dispose of it, and thinking that perhaps you or some of the officers of the Church might be interested in seeing the note we have taken the liberty of writing you on the subject, rather than to call upon you not knowing if you would be interested in it and not desiring to take up your time with a matter which may not interest you. If you should desire to see the note we will be pleased to send it to you for examination or to have you call at the bank if you should prefer, and any expression of your pleasure in regard to the note will receive our respectful attention. Very truly yours, A B Jones Cashier.


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Jan 27, 1895