Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1895

Journal Entry

March 04, 1895 ~ Monday

4 throug Monday quite poorly through the day some
better at nigh

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Letter from Elias Smith Kimball, 4 March 1895

Chattanooga, Tenn. President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: I herewith submit the statistical anual report of the Southern States Mission for the year eighteen hundred and ninety four. This Mission is in a healthy and a thriving condition. The Elders are all well, and are performing their duties faithfully. They are endeavoring to labor without "purse or script," and are very nearly accom- plishing it. I remain, sincerely, Your brother in the gospel, Elias S. Kimball.

Letter from Charles Daniel Smith, 4 March 1895

Fillmore City, Utah, Pres Wilford Woodroof S. L. City Dear Brother, I received your letter notifying me to go on a mission to the Southern States, And say in reply that I will be ready at the appointed time I would have prefered going to Europe on account of that being the native home of my parents. But if it could not be ar^r^anged that way, I am willing to go any where I am wanted, and help in the great and

Letter from David R. Mathews, 4 March 1895

Providence Prest. Willford Woodruff Dear and venerable Brother In reply to letter I received from you, stating that my name had been suggested and accepted as a missionary to the Suthern States. I will say in reply that I am willing to comply with your request, and will be in Salt Lake City at the Historians Office on the 12th of April to be set apart, according to the instructions which I received from you. Your Brother in the Gospel David R. Mathews Fredk Theurer Bp. good. J. F. S.

Letter from Ernest Rupert Needham, 4 March 1895

Monday Prst. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Please excuse the delay, in not answering, sooner, your letter of Acceptance, of being selected as a misionary to Southern States, my Father being sick and other matters caused the delay Father being near well, now all seems right for me being ready at the timee named, the 13 of Aprill, I shall arange to be in Salt Lake City

Letter from William Frederick Tanner, 4 March 1895

Payson Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother As my name had been suggested as a Missionary Last fall I was not able to obtain the necessary means to fit myself out with to fill the call. On those grounds I was released until I could obtain necessary funds. Now if my survices are needed or required by the assistance of my Father I think I can fit my self out for a mission Yours Very Respectfully W Fred Tanner.

Letter from Elmer Eugene Hinckley, 4 March 1895

Hinckley, . To The First Presidency, Dear Bro's, Your call for a mission to the Southern States rec'd, am prepared to meet the appointment on, or before June 1st. If nothing of a serious nature intervenes will present myself in readiness a day previous to the above mentioned. Hoping to be able to give, to the world, the Gospel in its purity, I remain Yours respct'y, E. E. Hinckley.

Letter from Cyrus Edwin Dallin, 4 March 1895

[end of upside-down text]


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Mar 4, 1895