Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1895

Journal Entry

March 07, 1895 ~ Thursday

7. I met with the Twelve in the Temple and had Prayer
We also met with Mr S. H H Clark President of the
U P Rail Road He is a good Man


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Letter from Joseph Andrew Jorgensen, 7 March 1895
Pine Valley, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir. As I was relieced from a mission last fall, untill spring; can say will try and be ready to leave home most any time you may see fit to notify me after the 1st of May. As am now on the deseret with sheep, and do not exspect to be ^home^ much before that time. Trust you will bare in mind, I'm young and unexsperienced in regard to such labor, and will send me to the place where you see best fit for me to go. Should you wish to notify me before I get home my address will be at Frisco Beaver Co. until April the 1st. After that will have no stationary point, until we get home. Which is at Koosharem Piute Co.
Letter from William L. Skidmore, 7 March 1895
Richmond Cache Co Utah Pres Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother; I will now improve the opportunity of answering your letter of inquiry as to my going on a mission. I feel it to be my duty to state the circumstances that I find myself surround ded by. My wife was called from me by the summons of death, leaving her children to my care and that of my daughter. I have striven hard with a sad heart to keep them with me, that I might teach them in such a manner, that the faith of the gospel may be planted in them, and that they may honor their faith- ^ful^ and noble mother, and become useful in the Kingdom of God. By the wisdom and strength given me by my Heavenly Father, I feel that I have been thus far, very successful. Three of them are quite small; and would be left without a father or mother's care in my absence. My means are very limited, and my son Charles is very anxious for the time to come, that he may obey the call made upon him last fall, and go on his mission. He will be ready to start in June
Letter from Joseph Harris Ridges, 7 March 1895
Salt Lake City President Woodruff President Cannon and President Smith Dear Bretheren It is in the deepest distress I pen thease few words to you. And yet it is with some joy too, for I have often had my prayer answered and this afternoon I was praying earnestly to the Lord for delivery from my trouble when A heavenly influence came upon me saying Go and se the First Presidency. Two years ago I morgaged my home for a Thousand dollars to Walkers Bank (or the interest has been colelected by them) and this winter I have fell behind some $7500 and now I am threatened with foreclosure. Dear Brethern, will you be so kind as to listen while I mention a few things. My home is worth Four times the amount—Will you help me out of my distress in the following way. Take, and hold the property as


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Eighth Constitutional Convention held; new Utah Constitution banning polygamy ratified November 5th.

Mar 7, 1895