Day in the Life

May 7, 1895

Journal Entry

May 07, 1895 ~ Tuesday

7. We the Presidency took cars & Rode to Ogden
& Met with the Power company & learned that the
opposition company had stoped our company crossing

the River to their work we all went up the canyon
And after conversing with Leaders they settelled
the Matter for the present we went up the canyon
to the Place whare Mr Rhoades Men are at work
we returned to Ogden & Returned to Salt Lake 95 Miles
^ An arrow An arrow^ On my arival at the farm I found My Grand Daughter
Phebe C Scholes on a By sickle was run over
by a 2 Horse waggon driven by a Drunken Man
she fell between the Horses did not Break any bones
but bruised her up Broke her Bysickle to peaces


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Saville, Phebe Carter Scholes
6 Oct 1862 - 29 Nov 1926
115 mentions


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Letter from Israel A.J. Dennis, 7 May 1895

S. L. City, . Wilford Woodruff: Pres. of what was the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: Dear Sir and Brother: I take the liberty of addressing the follow- ing lines to you, for reasons which, I trust, will appear when you have read them. Inasmuch as you are the visible head of the Mormon peo- ple, I would ask, by what right do you hold that position? If you base your claim up- on the right of succession, merely, then there is another

Letter from Daniel Clark, 7 May 1895

Pocatello, Idaho., . Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I am very sorry to inform you, that I find it necessary for me to ask you for an extention of time to arrange my affairs preparatory to starting on my mission. I dont know how much time I will need, for, I am waiting to sell some land to obtain money. Prospects are that I can sell the land within a month. I desire to go on my mission as soon as I possably can I trust this will meet with your approval. I would have wrote sooner, but I hoped to be able to start as requested. Beleive me to be sincere. Your Brother in the Gospel Daniel Clark. Very well. Let him report when ready and it will be all right. J. F. S.

Letter from Frank Henry Cutler, 7 May 1895

Provo City, . Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: A letter was received from you some months ago calling me on a mission to the Southern States and to be ready to leave S. L. City June 1st. Through conversation with Bro. Reynolds I decided to defer answering until I could learn wheather circumstances could be shaped to suit the time. Am now prepared to say am able and making preparations to leave at the time stated and take pleasure of in- forming you of the same Trusting you will pardon delay in answering I remain Respectfully Yours Frank Cutler Very good J. F. S.

Letter from John G. Peart, 7 May 1895

Farmers Ward President Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother Having been called as a missionary to the Southern States I feel willing to respond to the call. And if all is well, I will be prepared to start on the time stated. Your Bro. in the Gospel, John G. Peart. H. F. Burton Bishop Very good J F S.

Letter from Robert A. Green, 7 May 1895

Menan . President Wilford Woodruff I recieved your letter calling me on a mission which I was pleased to learn I was worthy of so great a call. my circumstances are so that it would be imposible for me to go this year if I could be released a year I would do all in my power to be ready. your brother in the gospel R A Green. W. N. Stephens Bp Very well. Let him have the time he needs J. F. S.

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 7 May 1895

Salt Lake City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, Notwithstanding the unfavorable fin- ancial condition of our Church School affairs, it affords me great satisfaction to report that fourteen of them ^the our schools^ have sur- vived the pressure of the hard times. Their names are as follows: 1. Brigham Young Academy, Provo, Benj. Cluff, Jr. Principal. 2. Brigham Young College, Logan, Wm. J. Kerr, Principal. 3. Latterday Saint College, S. L. City, Willard Done, Principal. 4. Oneida S. Academy, Preston, John E. Dalley, Principal. 5. Bannock S. Academy, Rexburg, Geo. Cole, Principal. 6. Bear Lake S. Academy, Paris, Jacob Spori, Principal 7. Cassia S. Academy, Oakley, Geo. Day, Principal. (now closed.)


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May 7, 1895