Day in the Life

Jun 1, 1895

Journal Entry

June 01, 1895 ~ Saturday

June 1. I spent the day at home choreing

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Letter from Thad H. Cluff, 1 June 1895

Provo City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother; Uncle Wm W. Cluff says you would be Pleased to Know the number, etc of David Cluff sen. & Posterity. David Cluff was born in Notingham, Rockingham Co. N. H. June 20th 1795. Married Betsy Hall Jan. 25th 1824. Joined the Church 1835. Came to Utah 1850. Was their children consists of one dau. & eleven sons, also one son by another wife, makeing a total of 13 children, 169 Grand children, 247 Great G. chil. and 3 Great Great Grand children total Posterity 432 if we include the husbands & wives, his family consists of 500 souls, all of whom are in the Church so far as I know. his daughter and all except one son are yet liveing. the figures are taken from our last June 20 reunion ^report^ the next one asto be in 1896. Hopeing this will be of interest to you as are al friend of my Grandfather I remain your Bro Thad H. Cluff.

Letter from Aulay Morrison, 1 June 1895

New Westminster, B. C., . The President, Mormon Church Utah. Reverend Sir, I have the honour on behalf of the Public Library in this City to request the favor of a donation of the Book of Mormon for use in the Reference Room of this Institution. Should you kindly accede to this wish, we can assure you that your kindness will be greatly appreciated. I am Sir Your obedient Servant, Aulay Morrison St Secretary

Letter from Joseph Sharp Rawlins, 16 June 1895

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $20, T $10 30

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Letter from Meliton Gonzalez Trejo, June 1895


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Jun 1, 1895