Day in the Life

May 17, 1895

Journal Entry

May 17, 1895 ~ Friday

167 We returned to Salt Lake I stoped at the office
had a vary busy day Among the work we were
visited by the Members of the Silver Convention abot
75 Men they shook Hands with us

This Silver Company was composed of about A
Dozen Govornors A Dozen Members of Congress
And most of them Eminent They spoke vary
highly of the Beauty of Salt Lake City & the
Accomodations they had received and Esspecially
the glory of the Tabernacle I wrote 2 letters & sent
A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right One to Owen & one to President Naegle & asked
him to Let Ow[e]n take a Journey of observation
through Europe with Dr Leslie Snow


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jul 1904
633 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Snow, Leslie Woodruff
6 Feb 1862 - 28 Nov 1935
181 mentions


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Letter from Alma Greenwood, 17 May 1895

FILLMORE CITY, UTAH, Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir Yours appertaining taxes received. I herewith hand you Taxpayers Statement with description of land assessed to you for 1894. If you will please write the name of the person on the Blank, to whom you sold the land I will assess it to the person. I have examined the County Records but fail to find any trace of the persen Owning the land Yours Truly Alma Greenwood Assessor

Letter to George C. Naegle, 17 May 1895

Salt Lake City, U. T. President Geo. C Naegle Dear Brother I wroite to say that I feel thankful to you for calling Owen to Berlin I am glad to have him visit that city but my object in writing to you now is to say I want a favor of you & that is My Grand Son Dr Leslie W Snow is now about to take a Journey to England France France Germany Itily & other places & He wants to get Owen to Meet him in London and go with him on this trip and Owen wants to visit some of these places before He comes Home And I would like them to take that trip together And I wish you would Notify Owen of that fact and tell him that He can have that privilege but he must stop and make it up at the End We can all as Well as usual We are having a great [Sitser] Convention in Salt Lake City when in creating a great stir they had called upon us at the office this Afternoon & we have

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 17 May 1895

Salt Lake City, U. T. S L C My Deer Owen I have just returned from Brigham City with Ma, Blanche, & Alice whoe went to Brigham City to celebrate the marriage of Florence Snow. I am at the office now as full of business as Ever Now what I want to write to now is this Dr Leslie Snow Accompanied us from Brigham City to this city on his way to England & th[r]ough Europe on a visit & He wants me to send to you to meet him in Liverpool or London & go with him to Paris & through Europe on to the ^same^ places you want to visit I& I am going to write to president Naegle to let you go with him and you can make it up at the close of your Mission you will enjoy, ^much^ yourselves much better to go to gether & cheaper then separate He is vary anxious to have you with him which I hope may be Accomplished you will want Money sent to you I will hve to see Brother Beebe about sending you Drafts of Money. I trust that there will be Nothing transpire to hinder you accomplishing this Desireable work We had a vary pleasant time last

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $3 $2 $3.50 (25) girl $3 Cash $5 16 50


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May 17, 1895