Day in the Life

May 24, 1895

Journal Entry

May 24, 1895 ~ Friday

24 I spent the day in the office Met with Charles
W Irish
called upon upon Irrigation Matter


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Letter from William Bolling Carter Jr., 24 May 1895

Louisville, Ky., . 43688 Acceptance of Invitation. First Presidency, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gentlemen: Your cordial invitation to hold the Eighteenth Annual Convention of this Association in Salt Lake City was presented to the Association in Annual Convention assembled in St. Louis on the 10th inst., and it was unanimously accepted. The Eighteenth An- nual Convention will therefore be held in Salt Lake beginning the second Wednesday of May, 1896. I was instructed to express to you the sincere thanks of the Convention for your courteous invitation. Very respectfully, W B Carter Secretary.

Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 24 May 1892

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother On May 21st there were four Scandinavian Missionaries returned to Utah and charged to the Church account, one of them was Niels Peter Larson of Pleasant Grove Utah County, whom President E H Anderson of the Scandinavian Mission reported on his list as a returning Missionary, but in his letter of advice to us he says. "Elder Niels P Larsen came here last summer on genealogical business but was so successful among his friends that he remained to assist in the mission where he has done a good work among his relatives and acquaintances. If you can pass him he will feel well over it, but if not why he will either pay or give you a note" and as we had not authority to pass him free, we took the enclosed note for £14.17.6, which is just the cost to this office of sending him from Copenhagen to Utah, and told him if any other arrangements were made they would have to be made with you. Yours truly Brigham Young JCC P S we have not passed the amount of note through our books

Letter from Heber Thomas Riley Parker, 24 May 1895

Wellsville President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother In answer to your letter of April 1st 1895 in which you say my name has been handed in and accepted as a misssionary to the Southernen States I would have preferred to have went to England, as my folks are all from that Country and also my wifes folks. but if it is the mind of those that are in authority I am willing to go where they ^think^ best. and will be ready at the time appoindted if nothing happens unseen. I remain as ever your Brother in the Gospel: Heber Parker Wellsville City Utah If you see fit to make any change, pleas answer. I endorse the above Your Brother Wm H Maughan Bishop Let his appoint- ment be changed to Great Britain. J. F. S. So notify him at once. J. F. S.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

cash $25 $5 Paid to Family 45.30 75 30


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May 24, 1895