Day in the Life

Jun 6, 1895

Journal Entry

June 06, 1895 ~ Thursday

6 I had a bad night slept but Little I went to the office
had an interview with Orson Smith we went to
the Temple at 11 oclok we received a Telegraph from
G. Q. Cannon on our affiairs East some rain in the East


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2257 mentions
Smith, Orson
205 mentions


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Letter to Daniel Duncan McArthur, 6 June 1895
Salt Lake City, Utah. . Pres. Daniel D. McArthur, St. George, Dear Brother: Mr. Theodore F. Meyer, of St. Louis, and Elder Abraham H. Cannon, of this City, will arrive in St. George within a few days. The object of their visit to Southern Utah is to exam[i]ne the country to see if it is possible to build a railroad which would yield sufficient returns to encourage the investment of capital to carry this enterprize forward to completion without delay. They desire to learn from the people what they will do in the way of bonuses consisting of rights of way, deptot, office and yard grounds, grading work, etc., to encourage the investment of capital. We therefore hope you will give this gentleman all the assistance you can in the way of information concerning the resources of the country and by giving them an opportunity of meeting with the people to lay before them any plans they may desire to present. If the construction of the road is undertaken the majority of the stock and the control of the property will be retained in this Territory. For these and other reasons, which we cannot explain by letter, we bespeak for Messrs. Meyer and Cannon your hearty assistance. Yours Truly, Wilford Woodruff Jos. F. Smith


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Jun 6, 1895