Day in the Life

Jun 19, 1895

Journal Entry

June 19, 1895 ~ Wednesday

19 A Hard frost we returned to Provo & on to Salt Lake 116 Miles
I spent the night at home I am suffering immensly with
Athsma cannot sleep at night at all but am in great Distress
I suffered immensly During the past night


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Letter from Morris Wilson Jr., 19 June 1895
Mountain Dell . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: I write to let you know my feelings with regard to the call I received. I have accepted the call and will try, and be there at the time appointed, to take my departure. I am glad that I have ben counted worthey, to promulgate the Everlasting Gospel. Your Brother in the Gospel, Morris Wilson. Leroy. W. Beebe Bp
Letter from Elias Smith Kimball, 19 June 1895
Chattanooga, Tenn. 189 PREST'S WOODRUFF, CANNON & SMITH, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: You will no doubt be pleased to learn that we are all in the injoyment of good health, each one of us being deeply interest- ed in our labors of love, and, from all visable evi-dences, accomplishing much good amoung the peop-le. From the accompaning circulars, which we inclose for your perusal, you can glean some information as to the work that is being done and the policy that is being persued in preaching the gosple and in strengthening the work of the Lord. In connection with this advice, we herewith submit the totals of work done in the first four months of the year 1895: Miles walked, 68,445, meetings held, 974, families visited, 63,477, refused entertainment, 4,539, baptisms, 75, tracts distributed, 64,692, rejected testim- onies of Elders, 6,534, families revisited, 5,738. We are using fully 20000 tracts ^and^ 12000 cards with the articles of faith printed thereon, per month. In connecti-on with theis literature, we have had the Voice of Warning electrtyped, and will use from eight to ten thousand copies per annum. For other kinds of books our bills with the Geo. Q. Cannon & Sons Co. runs over $100 Some months. Some of these books are being sold by the Elders and the balance distributed free. You will notice there were 63,477 families visited by the Eldesr in the first four months of the present year. Giving to each family five souls, the number of souls visited in the four months would be


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Jun 19, 1895