Day in the Life

Jun 24, 1895

Journal Entry

June 24, 1895 ~ Monday

24th At home today, getting ready for
my trip

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Letter from Charles Ora Card, 24 June 1895
Cardston, Alta., Prest. Wilford Wooruff. Salt Lake City Utah U. S. A. Dear Brother For fear ^money^ matters would be in a close condition when I wrote you last, I also wrote Thatcher Bro's Banking Co Logan to see if I could make a loan of them for 6 months and the reply is in the affirmative. I wrote for $180000; However since I have sold stock & Grain and raised six hundred dollars and will not need that amt ($180000) only $120000 and I may be able to cut it down 2 or $30000 more the forepart of next month. If it is crowding you to send the Balance $120000 wire me draw on Thatcher Bros and I will do so. All well here. We have had good rains and all nature smiles. Crop prospects never better. Stock doing well. We have a good crop of calves this year. Prices of Beef looking up. With kindest regards & best wishes I remain your Bro in the Gospel Charles Ora Card Wired
Letter from Mathias Knudson, 24 June 1895
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In response to your notification of 13th inst, I shall be prepared to start on the mission to which I have been called on the 29th inst, and shall endeavor to perform that duty to the best of my ability very truly Yours Mathias Knudson. I fully Concur in the above and I can testify to the faithfulness of Bro Knudson Thomas R. Cutler Bishop Lehi Utah
Letter from Sterling Driggs Colton, 24 June 1895
President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I was Returned Home from the Northern States Mission about a month ago, ^on acount of sickness^ was given an honorable Release. But I am not Satisfied with my mission and if I get well I would very much like to Return. I am a great deal better & if I continue to get better I think I will be able to Return about the 1st of Sept Now I wish to know if I will have to be Recalled & set apart again or simply Notified President Clark said for me to Notify you if I wished to Return again I think by me going in the fall perhaps


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Jun 24, 1895