Day in the Life

Jul 16, 1895

Journal Entry

July 16, 1895 ~ Tuesday

16th Most of the passengers are out
watching the unloading of the vessels.
The custom house officers detected
several cases of smuggled liquor. Most
of the passengers went on shore to
visit the town. I went over considerable
of the town, but found it hard work
to walk. I wrote a note to Asahel,
while Blanche wrote to Naomi. We
went through the greatest stamp mill
in the world; 240 stamps not more than
3 to $5.00 a ton. The noise was so great
that no one could hear a word spoken
I brought home a piece of the ore that
they work. The weather was a little
rough a part of the day.


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, Naomi Abbott Butterworth
21 Mar 1864 - 15 Nov 1948
58 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
281 mentions

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Letter from Christian Larsen Christensen, 16 July 1895

Rockville. P. r. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I have reseived your letter of call, as a Missionary to the Northern States. you ask to know My feelings in regard to this call. they ar simple this, that by the help of the Lord. I will make arrangements to fill the call at the date appointed your Brother in the Gospel Christian Larson Gottlieb Hirschi Bishop

Letter from Johnathan Socwell Page Jr., 16 July 1895

Payson. President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. Elder John Clayson of Payson, has accepted a call to a mission to australasia. His instructions say— "Be in Salt Lake City in time to be set apart so as to leave Vancouvers on July 16th He desires to know if there is a particular day he should be in Salt Lake City. By what route he shall go to Vancouvers. Brother Clayson also says he has not yet received

Letter from Peder C. Christensen, 16 July 1895

Mayfield Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of June 25th recived and contents noted, and in ansher will say, that I will except of the cald as a Missionary to Scandinavia will make rady to be at Salt Lake City to Octbr Conference, rady to leve with the company of Elders, there will depart Oct 12th werry Respectfuly, Your Brother in the gosple Peter C. Christensen Parley Christiansen Bp

Letter to Joseph Bindrup, 16 July 1895

Salt Lake City . Elder Joseph Bindrup College Ward Logan. Dear Brother, Your name has been suggested and accepted as a missionary to Northern States. The work of the Lord is progressing in the nations, and faithful energetic Elders are needed in the ministry to promulgate the everlasting Gospel, openings for doing good appearing in numerous directions. Yourself with others having been selected for this mission, should there be no reasonable obstacles to hinder you from going, we would be pleased to have you make your arrangements to start from this City at as early a date as August 27th [1]895. Please let us know at your earliest convenience, what your feelings are with regard to this call. If you accept it you will receive no further notification, but will be expected to present yourself at the Historians Office to be set apart on the day previous to that appointed for your departure. Your Brother in the Gospel. Wilford Woodruff P. S. Please have your Bishop endorse your answer.

Letter from George Teasdale, 16 July 1895

Colonia, Juarez, Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: We have just finished our semiannual conferences of this mission, and have had a remarkable time. The speakers enjoyed much freedom and power of the Holy Spirit, and the Saints were much blessed and encouraged. We occupied four days and all the meetings were well attended. Encouraging reports were given from all the settlements, prospects good for grain and vegetables. All the societies and associations were in good condition. Our fruit crop was cut off by the frosts. But the Lord has made it up in other ways. The blackberries and strawberries were plentiful, also grapes, we will have plenty of them for table use. The way is opening up for us to ob- tain plenty of land and water, and a mar- ket for all our surplus grain, vegetables &c Of course it is not all so pleasant. We have


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Jul 16, 1895