Day in the Life

Dec 19, 1895

Journal Entry

December 19, 1895 ~ Thursday

19 [FIGURES] The papers talk strongly of war
betwen England & the United States


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Letter from Hyrum Cluff Christensen, 19 December 1895
Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother On the 6th inst. I received a call to go on a mission to Scandinavia, to start Feb. 8th 1896. I gladly except the call to go on a mission to Scandinavia the home of my parents My buisness affairs are in a condition that it will take me at least three month to to arrainge them so I can go with out making to great a sacrefise of them If it is posiable for the date of my departure couldto be extended until about the 8th of April 1896 it would accomedate me very much. I remain your brother in the Gospel Cluff Christensen The above O.K. John C Dalton Bp.
Letter from William Francis Tolley, 19 December 1895
NEPHI CITY, UTAH, Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Your favor of Nov. 25th came to hand. In which you state that you wish me to go on a mission to the Nothern States. I feel my weekness very much, but with the help of the Lord I will be in Salt Lake on the day desired ready to leave Jany 11 for my field of labor. I Am Your Bro. Wm. F. Tolley T H G Parkes, Bp. Nephi 2nd Ward very good. J. F. S.
Letter from George Conrad Naegle Sr., 19 December 1895
President Wilford Woodruff. Box. B. Salt Lake City, Utah. Beloved President: Your most welcome letter of the 18th ult. came duly to hand, but I have been unable to answer until now, owing to the press of business since my return from my tour of the mission in company with President Lund, which no doubt he has informed you about; & given a report of how he found us in this part of the missionary Field. I will only add to his report that we very much enjoyed his visit to this mission; and all the European mission will greatly miss him when he has ^to^ leave us, for he can understand the various languages spoken in each mission. Sister Naegle and I enjoyed the visit of a month with him among the Elders and Saints in this dif- ferent Branches from Geneve to Kiel; & then were invited to take a run over to Copenruhagen with him & spent the sabbath there in a very pleasant manner. It was in this city I first met & formed the acquaintence of President Lund while on my former mission in 1885. He appeared very well pleased with the Labors & pro- pects before us in the Swiss and German mission; & now that we have with the recent arrival of Elders the largest number of mis- sionaries (60) that were ever here at one time, I hope we will according to numbers be able to accomplish more, with the help


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Dec 19, 1895