Day in the Life

Dec 20, 1895

Journal Entry

December 20, 1895 ~ Friday

20 We held a Meeting with Mr Way upon the union
question we talked with Brother Armstrong upon onoxx [onyx]

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Letter from John H. Moss, 20 December 1895
Bountiful Prsadent Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City I received your Leter on the 19 haveing just returned home I will go and do the best i can with the help of the Lord John H Moss Brother Moss is in full fellowship and worthy to fill the mission to which he has been called. I fully endorse the above R E Egan Bishop S. B. Ward
Letter from James Peter Jensen, 20 December 1895
Provo Mr Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. I will now answer in regard to the call made of me to fill a Scandanavian mission I am attending school at the Brigham Young ^academy^ where I have been for the last year and was intending to continue going for some time. I know that I am
Letter from Niels Peter Nielsen, 20 December 1895
Elsinore, Utah President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Your letter of 3rd inst recd and contents noted and considered. I wish to say that I accept of the call on me for a mission to Scandinavia, and thankfull that I am counted worthy thereof, to be ready to leave on Feby 8th 1896 would seem almost imposible as I have several things to have done and means to raise before I could leave, but all being well I shall be ready about 1st or 15th of May or thereabouts as you may sugest. Please let me know about what time another company of Elders will leave further along in the spring that I may arange acordingly Your Brother in the Gospel Niels Peter Nielsen I indorse the above Jens I. Jensen Bishop Elsinore Ward All right J. F. S.


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Dec 20, 1895