Day in the Life

Feb 13, 1896

Journal Entry

February 13, 1896 ~ Thursday

13. I met with many People to day one company of abot a
Dozen Gentlemen Catholics from Calafornia. We held a
Meeting in the Temple, and had H B Roberts case up
in a Meeting of the presidents of seventies & 12 Apostles
we do not know what was done


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Letter from Joseph Wilkinson Stringfellow, 13 February 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, In answer to your letter calling me on a mission to England leaving Salt Lake City July 1896 I will say, that I will be ready to depart at the time named and will endeavor to do what good I can. Your brother in the gospel, J. W. Stringfellow. I Heartly Endorse the above Thos Maycock Bishop

Letter from Julius Colton Cable, 13 February 1896

My dear Mr. Woodruff, Your letter with photograph enclosed, duly received, for which accept my sincere thanks. It would have been acknowledged before, but I was not able to secure the picture of Father Woodruff, until yesterday. Hence the delay. I had a very pleasant time in the West, and trust that I may visit your place again, and make you a longer call. Yours, with best wishes, Julius C. Cable. per C. He sent me the Likeness of my Cousin Horace Woodruff. Georg Gibbs Answd the above Letter & sent him my likeness

Letter from Charles Gull, 15 February 1896

Provo, The First Presidency. Dear Brothern. As I am a member of the B. Y. Academy, in the Intress of thy Y. M. M. I. A. Being trubled much with my head, so as not being able to peform my studies I wish to be released. Your Bro. Chas Gull Very well. Please notify the Principal to release him. J. F. S.

Legal - List of Heirs, 13 February 1896

and in two Codicils thereto. Name. age. Residence. Susan Cornelia Woodruff Scholes 63 Dead. Wilford Woodruff 59 Salt Lake City. Bulah Augusta Woodruff 47 [Salt Lake City.] Phebe Amelia Woodruff Snow 58 Brigham City. Emma Smith Woodruff 61 Farmers Ward. Sarah Brown Woodruff 65 Provo. Sarah Delight Stocking Woodruff 58 Big Cottonwood. David Patten Woodruff 41 Big Horn Basin. Phebe Arabella Woodruff Moses 39 Smithfield. Sylvia Melvina Woodruff Thompson 37 [Smithfield.] James Jackson Woodruff 52 Salt Lake City. Emma Manella Woodruff 39 Vernal. Asahel Hart Woodruff 36 Farmers Ward. Clara Martishia Woodruff Bebee 30 Salt Lake City. Winnifred Blanche Woodruff Daynes 23 Farmers Ward. Abraham Owen Woodruff 26 [Farmers Ward.] Mary Alice Woodruff 20 Sugar Ward. Newton Woodruff 35 Smithfield. Mary Woodruff 31 Provo. Marion Woodruff 38 Deweyville. Emeline Woodruff 36 Farmers Ward. Ensign Woodruff 34 Big Cottonwood. John Woodruff 25 [Big Cottonwood.] Julia Woodruff 21 Granger.


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 13, 1896