Day in the Life

Feb 14, 1896

Journal Entry

February 14, 1896 ~ Friday

Feb 14, 1896

I had a sick night am better this Morning I met with the
board of Z.C.MI at 1 oclok we had a Meeting yesterday with
the Twelve upon the case of B. H. Roberts who is taking an
independent course against the Authorities of the Church
There seemed but [little] chance for him to be reconciled to his


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Letter from Joseph J. Richardsen, 14 February 1896

Smithfield Pres W. Woodruff Dear Brother Yours of the 11th is to hand and in answer will say that I am pleased to know that I am thought worthy to go on a Mission to Indian Territory I will be on hand to go at the appounted time Yours Bro in the Gospel Joseph J Richardsen Smithfield Feb 14, 1896. Joseph J. Richardson is all alive and willing to go on his Mission, and I have full faith that he will make a good faithful Missionary he goes with my faith, prayers & Blessings Your Bro in the Gospel Geo L Farrell Bishop

Letter from Thomas Britton Jr., 14 February 1896

Henefer Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. Yours of the 11th inst received, and will say in answer, I will be ready to start on my Mission at the time appointed, namely the 9th day of April. Thanking you, I am Your Bro in the Gosple. Thomas Britton John Paskett Bishop.

Letter from James T. White & Company Publishers, 14 February 1896

New York, FEB 14 1896 89 Dear Sir: In accordance with your subscription to the NATIONAL CYCLOPEDIA OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY, we have sent you Volume VI by express, prepaid. Will you kindly favor us with a check for the enclosed bill at an early date, and oblige, Yours very truly, JAMES T. WHITE & CO.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 14 February 1896

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dearest Father: As you are allways interested in my labors & want to know what I am doing I take occasion to drop you a few lines and acknowledge the receipt of your kind and highly appreciated favors of Jan & 31st. Am going to leave for the City of Hannover in the morning if all goes well and visit that part of our Mission's field. By my last you will see I mentioned to you I should need $100 00/100 and today came the Check you sent me through Ovando. Am sorry I mentioned the matter to you now for I can get along nicely with what you sent me & what I can get. Pa you have always been so kind to me and done a great deal more for me than I deserve. Many times I feel bad and unworth the many blessing I enjoy & for such a noble Father and Mother I do feel greatfull to God. Should not have mentioned money to you but I want to get Ma something nice to take Home, & did not know if I would


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 14, 1896