Day in the Life

Feb 15, 1896

Journal Entry

February 15, 1896 ~ Saturday

15 I went to the Office and held a Meeting with the Mining
Company Br Orson Smith was with us I Bought Lumber
to fence my Garden I had a Blind German Woman
moved into one of the Rooms in my old House


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Smith, Orson
205 mentions


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Letter from Alex Faddies, 15 February 1896

Coalville President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, I feel it my duty to respond to the call made of me by the servants of the Lord and will try to do my best in spreading the Gospel to the nations of the Earth. By the help of the Lord I will be at the historian Office on may 1st 1896 Your Brother in the Gospell Alex Faddies Coalville Summit Co. Utah F. H. Wright Bp

Letter from Jens Jorgen Jensen, 15 February 1896

Provo, Utah, . President Wilford Woordruff: Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: In answer to your notification of January 21 that my name has been selected for a Mission to Scandinavia, I will say that having just returned from a Mission, I am short of means but with the help of my Quorom and the Ward in which I live, I expect to be able to raise enough means to take me to my field of labor and will report at the Historian's Office on the 28th. of February. Your Brother in the Gospel Jens Jorgen Jensen Andrew Knudsen 1st Ward

Letter from John Henry Peterson, 15 February 1896

Smithfield, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: Yours of 11 inst. was received last evening. I am at present engaged as a teacher in Hyrum. My engagement expires in six weeks. I shall be in need of the means I would make in continuing my work for that length of time, as I have only taught for six weeks now. Prior to this year I have had to depend on my parents to assist me in gaining what education I have. Therefore if it may be agreeable to your wishes I shall be pleased if the time can be extended until the April Conference or thereabouts; if not I will use my best endeavers to get ready at the appointed time, trusting in God to furnish the things I need. Your Bro. and humble servant in the Gospel, John H. Peterson. P.S. My Bishop is not at home today and I haven't time to wait. My address at present is at Hyrum, Cache Co. over

Letter from German Edgar Ellsworth, 15 February 1896

Payson, . Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City. Dear Brother, In accepting my missionary call last August, I asked until July [18]96, which was granted; but my circumstances have so shaped themselves that I can leave at your earliest date after April 25th, as then is when my school closes. My call was to the Southern States which is agreeable to my feelings, but I fear my health would prevent me doing good work, as I have had the Chills and Fever here in Utah. I gladly accept my call and am willing to work in any field, but for some reason I know not what, I am inclined toward the California or the Swiss and German Mission. Your Brother in Gosple, German E. Ellsworth Bro. Ellsworth would rather leave on a mission during April than later. J. S. Paige Jr Bp, See over

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Lumbr for Garden fene $70.05 7.05 7 05 1 Bill of seeds $5.70 Freight $3.75 9.45 9 45


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 15, 1896