Day in the Life

Feb 17, 1896

Journal Entry

February 17, 1896 ~ Monday

17 ^ A folded letter/box^ I sent a Letter to Owen from his Father, Mother & Blanche
I sent Owens watch to G Bywater to repair I received
a package of seeds & vegitables from New York $$375 ^freight^


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
42 mentions
Daynes, Winnifred Blanche Woodruff
9 Apr 1876 - 2 Apr 1954
282 mentions


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Letter from Bartholomew Emil Chatelain, 17 February 1896

North Ogden President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother I recived the call made by you as a missionary to the Suthrern States, and am willing to except the same as you wish to now my feeling in this regard. will say that I am ever willing and ready to sacrifize what I haave for the the advancemeant of the worke of the Lord Your Brother in the Gospel James Ward Bishop B. E. Chatelain

Letter from Joseph Gregson Schofield, 17 February 1896

Present Willford Woodr^u^ff Dear Brother. I was called to take a mission to Great Braitian, on Jan. 19th 1894 but my circumstances was so I could not go then. You gave me time to prepair for that mission and now by the help of the Lord I will try and fullfill that mission to great Britain This Spring if you diseire me to go and if so please give me notice when you would like me to go. Your Bro. in the Gospel Joseph G. Schofield Preident Willford Woodruff Dear Bro Joseph Scofied is a faithful member and I think will make a good misonary will be able to furnesh meanes for his mision James A. Allred, Bishop see over

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 17 February 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. To the First Presidency City. Dear Brethren: I herewith submit the fol- lowing names for your consideration, and ask, that if aggreeable to your feelings that they be called to labor as mission- aries in the Indian Territory Mission. 1. Wm T. Harper, Bishop Albion Ward, Cassia Stake, Bro. Harper had a younger brother fill a splendid mission in I. T. and has always felt the need of such an experience. I have not talked with President Haight, but believe he would be willing. He is a solid man, just such as we need. He would not be needed until fall. 2. Lemhi Fostner Zundel, Willard, Box Elder Co, Son of Bishop Zundel, who recommended his son to me. 3. Orlando Funk, Sanford Colorado. 4. Walter Lyman this city. 5. Arvis Call, Heber City, Utah

Letter from Henry Chariton Jacobs Jr., 17 February 1896

Ogden, Utah, Wilford Woodruff Esq Salt Lake City Dear Bro. Enclosed please find call for me to perform a mission in Great Britian, telling me I was expected to leave in April but giving me no date. Please forward me date of month I am expected to leave also original call and oblige Your Bro in the Gospel H C Jacobs Jr My Address 2652 Monroe Ave Odgen Utah

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 17 February 1896

S L. City My Dear Owen As Ma & Blanch are writing you I concluded I would not send without sending a few lines myself, and to begin with I want to tell you what a scrap I get into about your watch I tryed to get it to Bywater to fix it Alice brought to me in an Envelope at my office in my Hurry I put it in a small Draw it got covered with paper & I could not find it I looked Every Drawer being (20) & could find Nothing of it, so this Morning I made a Business of & finally found it & sent it to Brother Bywater to fix up Now Owen I want to give you a Little council before this reaches you I trust you will have received from O Beshe some $170 in Drafts He said He sent you all He had including the $60 I sent Now I dont think it is wisdom for you to buy any Real Esstate in Germany or shoes, gloves or any Goods to bring home to the family Goods will cost about as much there as in Salt Lake & will not ownly be battered in bringing them home but will be liable to pay Duty on them. I think you will need all the money you will get to get home with I thought I would give you the hint as I think you had better use what money you get to get home with. I will say that we brought home that Blind Sister and fitted her up a room in the Old Home And Mary Solomon talks with her she is quite happy she has no money to pay for rent or food and we can give her a home there without engine sounds and I think it is our Duty to do it she seems much pleased with the place & with her acquaintance with you she says she wishes she could see my face You see in 12 days more I shall


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 17, 1896