Day in the Life

Feb 18, 1896

Journal Entry

February 18, 1896 ~ Tuesday

18 ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Sarah we met with Benjamin
Cluff Jr
& Reed Smoot from Provo who wanted us to take
charge of the Provo Academy & make it a Church school


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Cluff, Benjamin (Jr.)
7 Feb 1858 - 16 Jun 1948
Smoot, Reed, b. 1862
10 Jan 1862 - 9 Feb 1941
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions


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Letter from Harvey Cartwright Carlisle, 18 February 1896

Mill Creek President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother Your letter of the 5th requesting that I start on a mission to the South- ern States on May 16th duely considered. I shall be happy to respond to the call. Your Brother in the Gospel Harvey C Carlisle Mill Creek Fb 18 1896 I cheerfuley reccommend Br Harvey C Carslile as a faithful Elder James C Hamilton Bp

Letter from Arthur Townsend, 18 April 1896

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In answer to the call made on me Mar 13th 96 for missionary Labors to Great Britain. In answer would say that I will go, trusting that I will be able to fulfill a faithful mission with the help of the Lord, & with the Faith & Prayers of the Latter Day Saints, Respectfully Your Brother in Gospel of Christ Arthur Townsend S. M. T. Seddon Bp of 5th Wd

Letter from Evert Neuteboom Jr., 18 February 1896

Ogden, Utah, President Wilfred Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother—It gives me great pleasure to inform you about another good man for the Netherlands Mission. His names is: Herman Van Braak age 33 years address: 33th street corner Stevens Avenue Ogden Utah. I believe this brother is able to leave all most any time. May this reaches you as safe as it leaves me is the sincere prayer of your loving Brother in Christ E. Neuteboom. Let us notify him in the usual way. J. F. S. Please notify him to go soon after confere[nce] or when wanted for the netherland mission. F. D. R. 656 27th street Ogden.

Letter from Andrew Kimball, 18 February 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah, To the First Presidency, City, Dear Brethren: While our verious Elders laboring at, and about St. John Kan, are succeeding admirably in ent- ertaining the good people who assemb- le each Sunday to listen to them. We feel very much the need of a visit from some of our good speakers and prominant men and women; and would ask as a favor, that you assist us by ask- ing any such who go East, and are not too much rushed, to go via St. John Kansas and give us a preach; by doing so, they will, with yourselves, confer a great favor. Very Respctfully Your brother Andrew Kimball. This suggestion should be borne in mind when any of our prominent Elders go to or return from the East. J. F. S.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 18 February 1896

Hannover, . Prest. Wilford Woodruff My Dear Father: Now have the promised report ready for you & trust you will be able to understand it; have made it as clear as I could a report of this kind. This reports things up to Jan. 1st 1896. Since that time there has been some changes made & we boys through the help of the Lord have added 6 more to our little flock. I came to Hannover last Saturday and held meeting with Elder Gygi & Hahn & the Saints last Sunday. How long I remain here will greatly depend on how the work goes in Berlin and when my visit here is at an end I am to return to Berlin & then make a farewell tour of my old fields of labor before returning home. Am feeling well & enjoying my labors. Elder Rudolf Gygi send you his love. We have had some nice weather here in Hannover & the best class of Germans are to be found here. With love to Ma, Alice, Brothers & Sisters & wishing you the blessings you may be in need of Your affectionate Son A. O. Woodruff


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 18, 1896