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Day in the Life

Feb 20, 1896

Journal Entry

February 20, 1896 ~ Thursday

Feb 20 1896

I met with the Apostles in the Temple and attended to
the Business before us among the matter was H B Roberts
affairs And an appointment was Made to Meet with
him & 7 presidets of the seventies & The Twelve Apostle
with the first Presidency about the 43rd of March
we Met with Mr Banister concerning Land & water west
of Loga Ogden


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Letter from Joseph Alma Wright Jr, 20 April 1896

Mill Creek . President Wilford Woodruff Dear President, I received your letter requesting me to accept a mission to the Indian Territory Mission on May 2nd, 1896, and I will respond and be on hand at the appointed time. Your Brother in the Gospel, Alma Wright. I here bye reccommend Bro Wright I cheeferli as beeing A Faithful Laterday Saint and beleive he will do A good woork as A Missionary Your Bro in the Gospel of peace James C Hamilton, Bp.

Letter from Andreas Olsen, 20 February 1896

Ephraim Utah . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother. In answer to your esteemed of Jan 31th, will say, That the idea of a foreign mission to my native contry Norway, was received with satisfaction. I feel like it would be a source of happiness to go an tell my people that I was not decived when I embraced what is called Mormonism as I have tasted some of the sweets which follow obedience to the gospil of Christ. Since the arrival of your latter, I have been trying to dispose of property so that I could pay my debts, and get mony to go with, but as yet without success. What I have to sell is mainly Ephraim City property and as we know that such has suffered more by the depressions in value then farming land. I stand a poor chance at present. In counciling with my Bishop and one of his councelors,

Letter from Edmund Price, 20 February 1896

Feb 20th 1896. President Wilford Woodruff. Dear brother. In reply to the call that is made upon me as a mishionary I will be prepared by May 2nd 1896 as requested. your brother in the Gospel, Edmund Price Dear Brothern I can fully endorse Brother Price as being worthy for ^to^ go on a misshion. he is a poor scholar but he will have a chance to improve John A Egbert B P West Jorden

Letter from Mary J. Hook, 20 February 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother after engaging in prayer the though[t] occured to me to write to you for advice I am troubled very much concerning my future I feel no matter what I have to pass through in this life if it is Gods will I beam satisfied I am keeping house for a widower he is not in the church of christ he is a Baptist and he is a good man his wife died the 13 day of November ninety five and he requested me to come and keep house offor him and take care of the children I am only twenty years of age and I knew there was a great responsibility attached but I prayed to my heavenly Father concerning ^it^ and I felt that I was destined to go there are five

Letter from Franklin Dewey Richards, John Jaques, and Amos Milton Musser, 20 February 1896

HISTORIAN'S OFFICE, Salt Lake City, . To President Wilford Woodruff and Counsellors. Dear Brethren: In accordance with your instructions we have considered sister Sorenson's Manuscript on "What Women should Know". We have not undertaken to correct errors of spelling, punctuation, grammar or idioms, or the arrangement of sentences and paragraphs, as we have not supposed that to be required of us. There are many good things in the work, useful for married people to know. We regard it as a work for professional medical and surgical men and women, midwives and nurses, and for married people, and not for lying around loose on the table, accessible to boys and girls, and therefore not appropriate for the most general circulation and perusal, as it contains specific details concerning procreation and parturition, with minute descriptions and measurements of woman's genital organs, and ^their^ environments. Although apparently a midwife and nurse of considerable experience, yet the author talks with the ardor and somewhat of the dogmatism of a new and zealous convert, and is rather strict and rigid, indeed with a tendency toward radical extremes in the advocacy of the views of her


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 20, 1896