Day in the Life

Feb 19, 1896

Journal Entry

February 19, 1896 ~ Wednesday

19. ^ A folded letter/box^ I received a Letter from Owen I was quite unwell
& did not go to the office to work I called upon
Clara & found her about the House able to get around
& attend to Business I attended the Theater in the Evening
to see the operation of the woman mind Reader
it certainly was [won]derful manifestation of the power
of the Mind of a person whare a 100 persons had written
a question & put them in their pockets she in Every instance
would tell the Name of the person who had ask the question
tell the question & give the Answer to it


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Beebe, Clara Martisha Woodruff
23 Jul 1868 - 29 Dec 1927
419 mentions


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Letter from Joseph Auttor Turnbow, 19 February 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro. In answer to the call made upon me to go on a mission to the Southern States, to leave this city on March 31st 1896. I would say that I am willing to go, and on making my father acquainted with the call that has been made upon me and also of my inability to go on account of not having the necessary means to take me to my field of labor, he kindly offered to meet my expenses and thus enable me to go at the appointed time. Your Bro. Joseph A Turnbow S. M. T. Seddon Bp of 5th Ward

Letter from Charles Gull, 19 February 1896

Provo City The First Presidency. Dear Brothern I wrote to you about a week ago, but I gess you did not get my letter, as I ask to be released from the M. I. Corse at the B. Y Academy, on the account of being trubled so with my head, till I had to leave school, and as I have not got money enough to lay around and not go to school, I consulted with Dr Hardy, and he said I had better quite school and as I would like to go.

Letter from Samuel P. Snow, 19 February 1896

Orangeville President Woodruff Dear Brother the last letter I received stated that I could have untell April confrence, and if I needed more time, was requested to write to you. now if it will meet your mind I would lik to strating up what I am oing before leaving and that will require some time. wooll has ben so low I have run behind. I will git ready as sun as posable your Brother Samuel P Snow Let him report when ready. J. F. S.

Telegram from Daniel Wylie Earl & Co., 19 February 1898

110 G. Ao. W. 21 paid RECEIVED at Salt Lake 243 pm 189 Dated SanFrancisco 19th. To Wilford Woodruff. Have you cannon and Smith provided for payment of sterling and Confidance checks at Commercial National Bank now over thirty days D. W. Earl and Co.

Letter from George Conrad Naegle, 19 February 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Box B, Salt Lake City, Utah Beloved President: With pleasure I acknowledge the receipt of your most welcome letter of the 29th ult. and in reply will endeavor to write a few lines to inform ^you^ how the Work of the Lord is progressing in this part of his His Vineyard, being aware however that your son Owen keeps you posted as to the Work in Berlin and those parts, which I am pleased to state is in a very prosperous condition, and our Salt Lake boys are making a fine record there and in Berlin Stettin, Dresden & Hannover, and I had Bro. Owen pay the Saints in Sorau a visit right af- ter Jan. 1st and have now appointed Elder Mc' Ewan to go there and labor a few weeks prior to his return home, and gave Bro. Owen a trip to Hannover to make a visit of a couple of weeks where he is at this writing. I mapped out a nice little trip for him to visit Cologne, Frankfurt, Leipzig etc. either from there direct to Berlin, or via Dresden & Soreu once more to visit the good Saints there before his return. Of course I do not know just how soon that will be, as we are so short of ready German speaking Elders and the work is very important so that good and able men should be here to take the places of those here & get initiated before they leave, however whatever your instructions or those of


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 19, 1896