Day in the Life

Feb 28, 1896

Journal Entry

February 28, 1896 ~ Friday

28 Mr Banigan with us today I Attended a party at G Q Canons


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions

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Letter from David J. Davis, 28 February 1896

President Wilford Woodruff My Dear Brother Haveing been called by the servants of the Lord, and questioned as to my willingness to perform a mision to the Northern States, to leave this city as early as, May 16th [18]96 I take this opertunity of expressing my willingness to do all in my power toward the building up of the Kingdom of God upon the earth. I have the honor to be, verry truly your Brosther in the Gospel David J Davis The above has my approval without reserve 10th Wd S. L. City Adam Speirs Bp

Letter from Edward Ernest Reid, 28 February 1896

Prest. Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 20th inst calling me on a mission to the Southern States. I am pleased to be considered worthy of being so called and if the Lord continue to bless me with health and strength will be at the Historian's Office on the 20th of March Your Brother in the Gospel Edward E. Reid I endorse the foregoing with much pleasure William T Reid Bishop Manti North Ward

Letter from William Eli Hawkins, 28 February 1896

Benjamin President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: In answer to yours of 24th inst calling me to the missionary field, I will say that if it pleases the Lord that I shall be at the apointed place on the 43rd of Aprial to perform the mission asigned me. With Kindest love I reman your Bro. in the gosple Wm Eli Hawkins A. J. B. Stewart Bishop Benjamin Ward

Letter from Robert Cameron, 28 February 1896

To first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints Dear Brethern having received a call to go to great Britten on a mission i am makeing arrangements to Leave on the 25 of april the date set on my motuce [notice] and will do the Best i can with the help of the lord for without his aid we would Labor in vain i relize the responsibility to a certain extent of this calling and hope god will give me Strength to do my duty to his manes homor [names honor] and glory. your Brother Robert Cameron

Letter from Lydia Adelaide Coombs Penniman, 28 February 1896

Manston Pres Woodruff Dear Brother, in the truth. Inclosed you will find $10 express order. I want to pay one years subscription for the Deseret News. The balance to go for tithing Yours in the Faith and Liberty. Mrs L. A. C. Penniman Mauston Wis

Letter from Hyrum Christian Christensen, 28 February 1896

Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your favor of 26 ult calling me to take a mission to Northern States & to take my departure from Salt Lake City March 10th 1896, came to hand last evening, to which I have given my consideration faverbely, and in reply to the request and call made of me will say all being well I will be in the city, at the apointed time. Hyrum Christensen Parley Christiansen Bp

Letter from Parley S. Darger, 28 February 1896

Spanish Fork Presidend Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir Yours of the 20th came to hand, and I take the liberty of writing you. Brigham Darger is down to his prospect in gold mountain District (North Baldy) and I have written him. But as we have no mail carrier his letters remain oreand get lost (as many have done) at Joseph City, or on road. I know my brother is willing and ancious to respond to the call, and if I rember correctly he got a letter


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 28, 1896