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Day in the Life

Feb 29, 1896

Journal Entry

February 29, 1896 ~ Saturday

29 I spent the day at home

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Letter from David Richard Gill, 29 February 1896
Salt Lake City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother; I recieved a letter Dated Feb. 20th 1896. Stating that my name has been selected to take a mission to the Eastern States. and to arange my affars to start from this city, April 18th, 1896. I feel as a Servant of God, to accept the call, and pre- pare, and get my self ready to start on the above date. your Brother in the Gospel, David R. Gill I take pleasure in endorsing the above Elias Morris Bp


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Feb 29, 1896