Day in the Life

Mar 1, 1896

Journal Entry

March 01, 1896 ~ Sunday

March 1, 1896
I spent this day at home it being Sunday and my
Burth Day as the opposite Page will show. We also had
a hard snow storm through most of the Day of course
I am 89 years old this day

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Letter from Anton Peter Nicodemus Peterson, 1 March 1896

Scipio Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Your letter was received last Thursday, calling me to fill a mission at Samoa. IAt first, when I received your call, my wife and I thought it was rather a hard mission, on account of the length of time required to fill it. I wrote Brother C. D. Fjelstedt telling him my circumstances, as he is a personal friend of mine, and asking him to use his influence an in having my mission change to Sweden, but if it is your wich for me to go to Samoa I will go and do the best

Letter from John P. Sorensen, 1 March 1896

Manti Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother, In reply to the call made of me as a missionary to Northern States will say, am willing to go and will be their at the ap- pointed day. Trusting that the Lord will enable me to fullfill an honorable mission Your Brother in the gospel, John P. Sorenson. Hans Jensen Bishop Manti South Ward

Letter from Herman Van Braak, March 1896

Letter from Thomas Halverson, 1 March 1896

Spanish Fork Presdt. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Your letter dated Feb. 20th duly to hand and contents therein noted, and will say I will respond to the call to start on my mission for Scandinavia on March 28th if nothing comes in the way that I nothing of today. I remaind Your Bro. in the Gospel Thomas Halversen Bro Halversen is a worthy Bro to take a Mission Very Respectfully Marinus Larsen Bishop of 3rd Ward. of Spanich Fork

Letter from Dudley Ward Stone II, 3 March 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In speaking with Bishop M F Brown, in regard to my going on a mission which has ben delayed on account of Bro. J. J. Whitakers case, he informed me that I was no longer needed here, and to so inform you, consequently I am now at liberty to go on that mission whenever you so desire it. I remain as ever your Brother in the Gospel, D W Stone Very good. Appoint his time. J. F. S.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 1 March 1896

Hanover, . My Beloved Parents: This being your native day: this on which two such noble spirits came into the world, I feel it my pleasure to write you my hearty congratulations and greetings on this so dear to me, anniversary of your Birth-day. Though thousands of miles of land and water seperate us, for a cause not to gratify any selfish desire of my own but to bear glad tidings to the children of men, my thoughts wander back to the warm breath of living Parents and I am with, ^you^ if not in body yet in spirit. This is the third time your Birthday has come and gone; or indeed the fourth sfoince I met with you for this occasion. Oh how good it would seem to be with you tonight! what joy would my heart feel to spend this quiet evening in the family circle of Home. Still I would not complain as God has been so merciful to ^you^ and spared your

Letter from Cecelia Cluff Owens, 1 March 1896

Dear Beloved Brothren Fathers of the Children of the most high God, hoom he has called and chosen, and had I Love to oner [honor] and Obay I trust you will pardon me for trubling you at this time for I realize your cairs are menney, but I have bin a poor Suffer for menney years still through the mirces of our Heavenly Father my Life has bin spared this for at the age of 32 years, I have bin confined to my Bed now for the past 15 mo, through a sad Loss of Offspring, Life has only bin

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

From Valley House pre Jaqus 156


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 1, 1896