Day in the Life

Mar 4, 1896

Journal Entry

March 04, 1896 ~ Wednesday

March 4, 1896
I held a meeting with the power company & President
Cannon gave us a History of the winding up Meeting with
Mr Banigan I went home in a stinging snow & hail
storm in our faces


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2282 mentions

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Letter from Joseph Lees Stott, 4 March 1896

Meadow, . Pres. Woodruff, Dear Bro: In answer to yours of the 26th of March. It affords me great pleasure to state that I will be ready to start on the date of my calling, April 4th. Your Bro. in The Gospel. Joseph L. Stott. Hiram B Bennett BP

Letter from Thomas West, 4 March 1896

Chester Mr Wilford Woodruf Esq Dear Brother There Was A call maid on me To go an A mishon some Two years Ago and on acount of my condishi on I was relaeased for The Presen[t] Time now I understand I hav Been called Again I can say That if I am needed I can Be Redy To start By The first of may or eny Time you say But may would suit me Beter Then To start sooner as I am in The Sheep Buisness and cant git Eny money from Them sooner my call was To go To england and if That would meet your Wish that is The Place I would like to go as there is Where my folks comes from But I am Willing To go where you say Pleas let me know if

Letter from Albert Theodore Schroeder, 4 March 1896

Salt Lake City, . First Presidency of the Church of J. C of L.D.S. City. Gentlemen: The polite note of your secretary under date of December 13th 1895 was duly received. From it I inferred that you desired me to believe that in a short time you would furnish me the information concerning which I had written you. I write this letter to inquire whether or not I misinterpreted your communication. If not, then I beg to inquire how soon I may expect the promised answers. I assure you that I am still interested in obtaining the information sought, and if I may make a suggestion it would be that you answer my questions by an article upon their subject matter in one of the several publi- cations which you control. Awaiting your further pleasure, I remain, Yours very truly, A. T. Schroeder

Letter from William Paxman, 4 March 1896

Nephi City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff and Counselors, Salt Lake City, Our Beloved Brethren; The saints, and good people of Mammoth, (near Eureka) have built quite a nice respectable Meeting house, one verry similar to the Eureka Meeting House, that you had the priveledge of Dedicating to the Lord a few years ago; Elder George Hales, who preside over that Branch, inform me, that it is ready to be dedicated, and would like to have it done on Sunday the 15th inst, one week from next Sunday. If that time will suit you, as we much desire, and would feel blest, if we could be favored with the presence of some of the First- Presidency, or Apostles, or Both, as you may be able to arrange, feeling that it will be the means of

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $25 girl $7.50 32 50 [March 2] paid E $4 fish $1.50 girl $1.50 7


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 4, 1896