Day in the Life

Mar 5, 1896

Journal Entry

March 05, 1896 ~ Thursday

5. A hand pointing to the right I sent a Letter to Owen from Father & Mother we went
to the Temple the Presidency, Twelve Apostles And the 7
Presidents of the seventies we spent the whole Day untill 6 oclk
laboring with H. B. Roberts the seconed Meeting we had
held with [him] to get him to repent of his wrong in what
He had said & Done against the Church & Presidency
on Political principals but He stood like Adament
& He is going to Destruction. We had a party at my House
in the Evening


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions


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Letter from Charles Alvin Orme, 5 March 1896

I take pleasure in endorsing the answer of Brother Alvin Orme Yours in the Gospel Thos Atkin Bp

Letter from Joseph Newberry Morris, 5 March 1896

Hunter President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother Your letter of Feb 14th notifying me of a call to labor as a missionary in the Northern States to hand and contents carefully noted will say that it is quite agreeable to my feelings and I will try and be ready to start as early as April 16th 1896 Your Brother in the gospel Joseph N. Morris Wm Miller Bp

Letter from John Henry Dowdle, 5 March 1896

Greenville Utah March 5 1896 Mr Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah My Dear Bro. I address you for a few moments. I have a wife that Is very Sick, and our request Is that she be prayed for In the Temple. She is very sick she took a relapse after confin ment. also, I would ask for our Baby to be prayed for. and also My Mother, Sarah ann Doudle of Santaquin. My Wifes Name Is Mrs Julia Doudle

Letter from Phares Wells Dunyon, 5 March 1896

Tooele City, . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother; It is with pleasure that I accept the Missionary call made upon me. I will be ready to start on the day set for my departure. I will devote much time to the study of the Gospel, that I might be able to promulgate the Everlasting Gospel in a way pleasing to God and his servants. Your Brother in the Gospel, Phares W. Dunyon. I fully Endorse the above answer with pleasure. yours, Thos Atkin Bp

Discourse 1895-09-07

No. 10. Vol. LVIII. Thursday, . Price One Penny. DISCOURSE BY PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF. THE following discourse was delivered by President Wilford Woodruff, at the Davis Stake Conference, in Farmington, September 7, 1895: How little we knew when we were born; how little we knew when we were boys and girls; and when we arrived to manhood and the Spirit of God led us to have faith in the revelations of God, and not to join the sectarian world, still how little we knew what lay before us and the pur- poses of God concerning us. I can bear testimony to the truth of the discourse we listened to this forenoon. We live in a very important day and generation. We live in the midst of important works of God, and we little knew in early youth and manhood that we ourselves had been pre- served in the spirit world for seven thousand years, to stand in the flesh in the last days, to be called of God to labor in His vineyard and to build up His Church. Nevertheless these are truths. The Lord has never set His hand in any age of the world to perform a work unless He has pre- pared an element to carry out that work. That is our condition as Latter- day Saints. In my youth I attended Sabbath school under Dr. Porter, a great minister; but the very moment I began to read the Scriptures and learn what was in them, that very moment there was a spirit told me that that Church and Gospel that I read of in the New Testament were not on the earth. I never heard a minister acknowledge the necessity of the works that followed the teachings of the Savior and His Apostles. No- thing would make them angry quicker than to tell them that these were the works of God and would be again established on the earth. The clergy would be immediately stirred up if they heard of any one advocating these things—a thing which I frequently did in my early manhood. I felt that I could not join any church unless I could find one that taught those principles which I read of in the New Testament—a church that enjoyed

Letter to Abraham Owen Woodruff, 5 March 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah. My Dear Owen I received yesterday your interesting Letters containing the cataloges of the German Churches & Saints which were vary interesting indeed Ma has written you a Letter which I send you this Morning I have ownly time to write a word I am Like a Drowning Man so overwhelmed in business I can hardly waid through it. Things are looking more favorable now in Temperal Matters I am in hopes to Live to see my debts paid as (Trustee ^&c^)


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 5, 1896