Day in the Life

Mar 6, 1896

Journal Entry

March 06, 1896 ~ Friday

6. I met with Board of Pioneer Electric Power Company
and done a good deal of work I heard Letters read
concerning our Mining Affairs And the saleries
of the Brethren Engaged in the Mines we were vary
much crouded in business all day

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Letter from Andrew Kimball, 6 March 1896
To the First Presidency, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: Arrangements have been made for Elder Wm D. Bowring Sec. of our Mission, to visit the veri[ou]s con- ferences this spring as my proxy, looking after the general intrests of the mission, and as Suprentendant of Sunday schools to attend to the labors pertaining to that calling. While he will walk a great deal and do general missionary work enrout[e], there are some long distances to cover where he will have to take the train. Will you please appropriate for his traveling expenses the sum of $35 00/100 and forward to him at St. John Kansas. This visit should be
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
T $5 (23) $10 (31) Cash $50 T $45 105


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 6, 1896