Day in the Life

Mar 9, 1896

Journal Entry

March 09, 1896 ~ Monday

9. I spent the day in the office we had quite a snow storm
I answered F J Cannons Note for Publication


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Cannon, Franklin Jenne
25 Jan 1859 - 25 Jul 1933

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Letter from Joshua Selley, 9 March 1896

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Br In reply to your letter of March 7th informing me that I have been selected as a Misionary to the Northern States to start from this city June 27th 96. I will say that I except this call and will be ready to start on the above mentioned date. I feel very thankfull that I have been considired worthy to be called to so important a position and only hope that I may be blessed with health and strength to fulfill this mission with honor and credit to my self and to those who send me Your Brother in the Gospel Joshua Selley 851 W 1st North Street City F Kesler Bishop of 16th Ward of Salt Lake City Utah

Letter from Alexander Edward Carr, 9 March 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff: In answer to my missionary call would say that the date set for my departure is entirely satisfactory. It gives me great pleasure to have the privelege of responding to such a call, which is one I am proud of. Trusting that I may be an instrument in the hands of God of doing some good, I am Your brother A E. Carr I believe Brother Carr will perform a good mission and cheerfully Endorse him Isaac Barton Bp 19th Ward

Letter from John David McIntosh, 9 March 1896

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Bro. I was called a year ago to go to the Southern States on a mission. I felt at that time that it was almost impossible to go then, and asked for a year to get better prepared. said time was granted. I now report I am ready and willing to go, and I understand that some missionaries will be in Salt Lake City April 18, my cousin, Elmer Caldwell informs me ^so^ and as I will ^be^ pleased to go at the same time, I request that my call be set for said date.

Letter from Francis Marion Stewart, 9 March 1896

Fairview, Utah, Presedent W Woodruf Salt Lake City Dear Brother, about 2 months ago I was called upon to say wether I was willing to go on a mission or not, without hesetation I answered I would go, allthough I was obligated to a party who I had agreed to buy a peice of land whitch amount would envolve me in the sum if 65000. of late I have been requested to take the land as agreed upon if I should not go untill fall I can take the land and get through with it allright. but should I go this Spring, I could not. I am allso road Supervisor of the Milburn district. I ought to send in my resignation and let the court appoint some one, as this work should be in progress. I would be pleased to know my desteny in this regard at your earliest convience. Your Brother in the Gospel F M Steweart J C Milburn see over.

Letter from John William Robertson, 9 March 1896

Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your Letter of Marth 6th notifying me that I had Been appointed as a Missionary to Great Britan Is at hand. I will say In Reply to the same, that I feel to thank my Brethern for thereir confidence and thank God that I have been thought worthy to labor in his cause and with the help of God I will be Ready at the time appoineted Your Bro. In the Gospel of Christ John W Robertson Joseph Warburton Bishop First Ward good. J. F. S.

Letter to George Conrad Naegle, 9 March 1896

Salt Lake City President Geo C Neagle Dear Brother I have been wanting to write to [you] for several Days I have just Learned this Morning from A Letter to a Blind S sister ^from Germany^ that I am keeping in one of my Homes that My son Owen is quite sick wit with a cold upon his Lungs so He cannot speak in public or hardly speak at all I have Learned from his Letters & others that He is Laboring very hard upon his Mission ever since He has been in Germany but He never names to me or any us at home about any Ill health what I wished to write to you about at presant was about the releasing of Owen & those who went with him if it could be done I would Like them released together so they could come home together I would Like to have Owen released before a gre[a]t while I think He ought to have a rest before Long I am quite afflicted myself with the Athsma I do not sleep but very litttle nights still I am at my Desk neerly every Day in the week except Saturday & Sunday I attended the conference in the Tabernacle yesterday & spoke to the people I expect you will have New Missionaries in Germany to take the place of those who are released Owen sent me a List of all the Branches of the Churches in Germany with its Members which was very interesting to me I have not the sheet before me but I think there was some 1200 members The Authorites of the Church are Generally Well as usual


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 9, 1896