Day in the Life

Mar 10, 1896

Journal Entry

March 10, 1896 ~ Tuesday

March 10 1896
^ A folded letter/box A hand pointing to the right^ I wrote a Letter to Presidet Naegle concerning reeleasing
the Missionaries who are coming hone I received 2 letter
one from Owen & one from President Naegle
I held a Meeting with the Ogden Electric power
Met with several parties


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary

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Letter from Jens Hansen Jr., 10 March 1896

Mill Creek, . President Woodruff, Dear Brother! Having been selected to fill a mission to the Southern States, and that you would like me to start the 21st of April next, I will do my very best to be ready at that date Your Brother in the Gosple, Jens Hansen Jr. James C. Hamilton Bp

Letter from Hans Petersen, 10 March 1896

Mill Creek. Prs Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Having been called to go on a mission to Australian, I am pleased to say that I will be ready to leave Salt Lake City March 25th 1896. I feal my weakness being called upon but feel to sustane those plased over me. And put my trust in The Lord. And with the help of God my Hevenly Father, and the faith and pray of my Brothers and Sisters I will do the best I can, and hope that I

Letter from Amos Alvin Fuller, 10 March 1896

Mill Creek . First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother. My name haveing been accepted as a missionary to the Eastern States, I feel like accepting the Call and will be prepared to start on the date named, "March 28, 1896." Your Brother in the Gospel Amos A. Fuller Bro Fuller is a very good Faithful Laterday Saint and I am pleased to reccommend him as such Your Bro in the Gospe[l] of peace James C Hamilton. Bp

Letter from Joseph George Christensen, 10 March 1896

MT. PLEASANT, UTAH President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: Your kind favor of the 4th inst. duly received and contents very carefully noted. In reply will say that, if I am counted worthy to take a mission to Scandinavia, I gratefully accept the call and am willing to respond. In regard to the time when I can be ready to start. I am at present under contract with the School Trustees to teach school this year, ending June 12, next, and I should like to fill the obligation, particularly as I will need every dollar I can earn, since with my departure all income ceases. After close of School I would like to spend a short time in the Temple, a week or two, and then I trust I shall be ready to leave. Financially my circumstances are not as favorable as I would desire. Building a home having somewhat in- volved me. I hope, however, to be able to liquidate my debt by the time above stated. If you can grant me this extension of time, it

Estate Papers - Account, 10 March 1896

Paid . 9 L. P. Paullen Clerk.


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 10, 1896