Day in the Life

Mar 15, 1896

Journal Entry

March 15, 1896 ~ Sunday

15. Sunday I spent this day at home resting

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Letter from Erastus Grenig Farmer, 15 March 1896

To the First Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Bretheren: Permit me to recommend to you Brother William McDermott Jr a young man of 210 years, who I believe will make a good hon- orable missionary. He is atten- ding the Oneida Stake Accadamy School at prenent. His Father proposes to furnish him with the necessary means, but would be pleased to have him continue at school until May. At that time he can be on hand. Your Brother in the Gospel Erastus G Farmer Bishop

Letter from Franklin Chandler Parkinson, 15 March 1896

Franklin, Idaho. Prest Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: A little over one year ago I was notified to fill a mission to the State of California and I at once reported that in Justice to the Company I was managing, I should take inventory, so as to turn the business over to my successor, to which I received a reply granting me untill April 1st 1895. I therefore commenced to arrange for that date but when our Board of Directors met at the close of the years business in early part of February. they felt it advisable to petition you for my releas untill they could at least, get some one competent to succeed me in the management of the business. In answer to this petition I was granted "one year or untill after the April Conference of 1896." I am pleased to report that I am released from the business and am at your servise at any time you may see fit for me to leave for the mission With a desire to ever prove worthy of your confidence and good

Letter from Parley P. Eldredge, 15 March 1896

Parma Idaho 3/15th [18]96 President Woodruff. Salt Lake. Dear Brother: When I was called on my mission I was out of dept and had enough owing me to take me to my field of labor, and supply all necessary wants. The party owing me was co^n^fident he could pay me by Apr. but he (he) has been unfortinate and cannot pay me untill Sep. or Oct. and I see no possible way of going before that time. Work here is scarce

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

T to Susan $5 {shorthand} $2 7 seeds 1 Bill $7.40, 1 Bill $5 1 Bill $4.30 16 70


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 15, 1896