Day in the Life

Mar 16, 1896

Journal Entry

March 16, 1896 ~ Monday

16 I met with the board of Z.C.M.I. at the office I sent
A hand pointing to the right Owen a Letter from Mother & Note from Father I received
^ A folded letter/box^ 7 Letters to day from sundry persons I had a sick night ^{I had a terrible night myself} & {Emma.}^


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions


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Letter from John Gallacher Jr., 16 March 1896

President Wilford Woodruff: Dear Brother: Recived notice of my call to perform a mission to the Indian Territory. I am pleased to accept the call, and will be ready at the appointed time, March 28th [18]96. Very Respectfully, Your Brother in the Gosple John Gallacher Jr. John Gallacher Counsellor To Bishop Hardy 2nd Ward

Letter from A. B. Cook, 16 March 1896

Layton, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dear Bro, Your notice of March 11th, saying that I had been selected for a mission to the Northern States received. I regret that matters are such that I cannot arrange to go as you request, but if I ever see any way clear I will endeavor to fill the mission to which I have been called—if you do not see fit to release me from same. For the last four and a half years I have acted as business manager for the Layton Milling & E. Co. of this place, but on April 1st I retire from that Position. During all of this time I have laid out every dollar I have made for a home for my family, so that when I get the few small debts paid which I am owing I will have about $2000 or $3000 left to support my family on the coming season. I have property that I would glad- ly dispose of and fill the mission now if I could possibly turn same into cash but I cannot do so.

Letter from Abraham Owen Woodruff, 16 March 1896

Prest. Wilford and Mrs. Emma S. Woodruff My Dearest Parents: As I have not written for so long a time you may begin to think I am on the way home but I assure you that is not the case. Have not had a chance to write since returning to Berlin and answer your kind letters. Prest Naegle wrote me about two weeks ago and asked how much time I wished to spend in England as Prest. Lund would give me as much time as desired; when my mission in Germany is ended. He was just in fund about the latter. Have not had time to answer his letter yet but guess I shall take time to go home when my release comes. Pa I am sorry I troubled you about any thing and wish I had not done it. Will be only too glad to come direct home from England as soon as I have attended to what must be attinded to there. Jake will go with me to England and very likely Neal and Will. Jake and myself wrote we would like to return via London and Liverpool, which

Letter from Lars Peterson, 16 March 1896

Independence Mo. . President Woodruff, Dear Brother: I have done as you said, I pre- sented to President Clark, and to some of the elders the questions that I presented to you in my letter; But to my astonishment I found my Brethrens faith, had change from what it, was, when I were in Utah. All your missionarys with whom I con- versed told me as well as B[r]. Clark, that we must have a revelation from the Lord through you P[res]. Woodruff before we could act upon the revelations given through the seer, Joseph the martyr. Brother Brigham, told me and B[r]. Suhultz different from that in 1876. This shows to me, that my Brethren in Utah have lost the Spirit of the work, of our Lord, and Saviour Jesus Christ. To believe that you—or eny other elder— shall give us a revelation before we can act upon the revelations which we have received from Joseph the martyr, is a false faith—which faith the Lord, have decreed to destroy, in an hour we think not. The Lord give his Church a law in 1831, saying that we must not receive the Teach- ing of any that shall come before us as revelations [Doctrine and Covenants 43]


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 16, 1896