Day in the Life

Mar 17, 1896

Journal Entry

March 17, 1896 ~ Tuesday

17. I held 2 Meeting at Templeton on R R Corporations I
^ A folded letter/box^ also Met with Ogden Electric Power Company I was sick
through last night I received a Letter from Owen


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Woodruff, Abraham Owen
23 Nov 1872 - 20 Jun 1904
642 mentions
Apostle, Family, Missionary


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Letter from Frederick John Amott Jaques, 17 March 1896

Pres't Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother. Yours of the 13th recieived, and would say in reply, that I shall be prepared to start from this city to fulfill a mission to Great Britain—at the time designated in your letter, June, 1896. Your Brother in the Gospel F. J. A. Jaques. It gives me pleasure to Endorse the above. Isaac Barton Bp 19th Ward

Letter from Walter S. Tolton, 17 March 1896

Beaver City, Pres Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother— Will you please in- form me of date Elders are expected to be in Salt Lake to be set apart for their missions? I was notified to be on hand at April, but no date mentioned. Please inform me and Oblige Your Bro,. Walter S. Tolton 9 May Gt B

Letter from George William Hilton, 17 March 1896

President Woodruff, Dear Brother, In answer to your request, for me to take a mission to Great Briton. I appreciate the confidence you have in me and I cheerfully comply and shall be ready according to notice March 28, 1896. Your Brother George Hilton. Joseph Warburton Bp 1st Ward.

Letter from Redfield Duryee, 17 March 1896

Washington, D. C., . My dear Sir: Replying to your esteemed favor of the 13th inst., this day received, I have to advise you that the package by ex- press therein referred to, has been de- livered to me in good condition. Proper acknowledgement has been made to the First Presidency of your church, thro[ugh] Hon. George Q. Cannon, for the valued gift, and I shall endeavor to see Senator Cannon at the earliest possi- ble moment and personally thank him for his very kind consideration. Sincerely yours, Redfield Duryee M Mr. Geo. F. Gibbs, Secretary.

Letter from Eli Newsom, 17 March 1896

West La Fayette, Ind., Presidend Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Friend Having felt a drawing for years toward the Saints and having secured Letters Patent on my inventions to collect the underflow of waters & bringing to the surface of the ground by means of gravity on Dec 197th 1895 I am now seeking & praying that the time may speedily come when I shall be able to come on to Utah & begin to put into operation the system that shall vutilize the vast subterane- an waters and at the same time unite my self & my all to the church that I believe to meet the Demands of the times and therfore to patern nearest after the plife & precepts of our Blessed Lord I formerly corresponded with Bishop Derby Johnson Jr Diaz Mex But every time I

Letter from George L. Miller, 17 March 1896

President Woodruff, Hon George Q Cannon, and Vice President Smith. Gentlemen: A delegation of the leading men of Omaha go to Utah to day to confer with you and your people ^in the^ intenet of the ^proposed^ Omaha Exposition of the Northwesten States. I had hoped to accompany them, but circumstances did not permit it. My loss is in being denied the pleasure of meeting all of you again, which I have many reasons for regretting. The object of the call upon you by the Omahas' speaks for itself to men of your intelligence and broad views. I will not take your time to argue it. The representatives of our city will present the whole case as they understand it. I merely bespeak for them, and for the important interests with which they are charged, every consideration at the hands of the distinguished and powerful men whom I am proud to cherish among my much valued friends Sincerely, and with great respect, George L Miller


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 17, 1896