Day in the Life

Mar 19, 1896

Journal Entry

March 19, 1896 ~ Thursday

19. I met with the Apostles at the Temple which lasted
untill 4 oclok H B Roberts case was up all Day


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Letter from Edward Ernest Pike, 19 March 1896
Salt Lake City, . President Willfored Woodruff, City. Dear Brother: bIn reply to yours of February 25th. which is a call to fill a mission to Great Britian in September next, I will say that I accept the great honor that has been confered upon me in being chosen with many others to go into the world to preach the gospel. My prayer to Heaven, is and always will be, that I may obtain the spirit of mythe wglrorious work, and bear such a testimony that will conveince the honest in heart whereever they may be found. Hoping that I have not delayed my answer to long, I am, Your Brotyher in the Goslpel, Edward E. Pike. I believe Brother Pike will be a good missionary and cheerfully Endorse him Isaac Barton Bp 19th Ward
Letter from William Campbell, 19 March 1896
Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother; Having been called on a mission to Great Britain, I am thank- ful for the honor confered upon me. I will be ready on the date specified. Elder-William Campbell. Joseph Warburton Bishop First Ward.
Letter from Angus Munn Cannon, Joseph Edward Taylor and Charles William Penrose, 19 March 1896
PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF, and Members of the General Board of Education. Dear Brethren: The Trustees of the Latter-day Saints' College have made application to the Salt Lake Stake Board of Education for an ap- propriation of $7500.00 to aid the college the ensuing year. This is the same as appropriated by you for the present year, and it is estimat- ed that in addition to the entrance fees it will be ample for the coming year, and that it will serve the purpose if paid in orders on the Bishop's Storehouse. In behalf of the Stake Board, the undersigned respect- fully submit this application to your honorable body, with the hope that it may meet with your favorable consideration. Your Brethren, Angus M. Cannon Joseph E. Taylor Charles W. Penrose


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 19, 1896