Day in the Life

Mar 20, 1896

Journal Entry

March 20, 1896 ~ Friday

20 We consented to Divide the Draper ward


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Letter from Charles John Winter, 20 March 1896

Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear brother: As I have been requested to state my feelings in regard to a call made of me to fill a mission to the southern states, I will say that in responce to a preavious request I called at the Historians office on the 2013th ultmarch and stated my feelings to apostles Richards and Teasdale. I told them that I was willing to go and would discharge the duties required of me to the best of my afbilaly, if nothing happens I will be abble to go on the date set for me. May the 16th 1896. I have had no expearince in publick speaking but I hope and pray that the lord will bless me so that I will be abble to do some good and fill a fathfull mission Verry respectfully Charles J. Winter F Kesler Bishop of 16th Ward

Letter from Hyrum Gates, 20 March 1896

Utah. President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I now write to inform you that I am now ready at any time when wanted, to fill the call of Sept 6th 1895 for a mission to the Southern States your Brother in the Gospel Hyrum Gates.

Letter from Theodore Nystrom, 30 March 1896

Salt Lake City, . Wilford Woodruff, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Dear Brother: I accept with pleasure the call made upon me to perform a mission in Switzerland and Germany, and shall be ready to leave at the appointed time. I trust that the Spirit of God will be with me to that extent that I may be able to perform my labors in an acceptable manner, and that I may be an humble instrument in His hands of doing good to my fellow man. Your Brother in the Gospel, Theodore Nystrom. George Romney Bp 20th wd

Letter from Oliver C. Hoskins, 20 March 1896

Salt Lake City Portage, Utah, Pres. Willford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother. In July 1894, Myself and Bro. William H. Gibb called on you, and laid before you the financial condition, of Malad City Ward, ^meeting house^ also the Stake Board of Education, asking you for $200000 to assist us to pay up the indebitness of said ward & board. We were asked if we could get anong at that time with $120000 for the present, we said we could, we are very much pressed at the present time for a settlement, would be very gratefull, if we could get the other $80000 so we could clear up the outstanding & prening debts. The people have contributed since then about $200000 to which amount has been expended in paying interest and finishing up the building, or making it secure from the storm, Bro. Gibb is in the City, and any explenation you may wish


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Wilford and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles issue Political Manifesto about separation of church and state.

Mar 20, 1896